.. _func-Redfield: ================= Redfield ================= .. index:: Redfield Description ----------- The Redfield formula for the Longitudinal Field (LF) dependence of the muon spin relaxation rate, :math:`\Lambda`, given in units of :math:`\mu s^{-1}`, with the applied longitudinal magnetic field, for given local magnetic field (:math:`H_\text{loc}`) and correlation time of fluctuations at muon spin sites (:math:`\tau`) is: .. math:: \Lambda(t)= \frac{2\gamma^2_\mu H^2_\text{loc}\tau}{1+\gamma^2_\mu H^2_\text{LF} \tau^2} where, :math:`H_\text{loc}` is the local magnetic field, in Gauss, :math:`H_\text{LF}` is the applied longitudinal magnetic field, in Gauss, :math:`\tau` is the muon spin correlation time, in microseconds, with expression given as :math:`\tau = \frac{1}{f}` where :math:`f` is the frequency of fluctuation at muon sites. And :math:`\gamma_\mu` is the gyromagnetic ratio of the muon spin, given in units of :math:`[rad]x\frac{MHz}{Gauss}` .. plot:: from mantid.simpleapi import FunctionWrapper import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np x = np.logspace(-1, 3.4, num = 200) h = np.linspace(0.05, 0.2, 5) y = [] Redfield = FunctionWrapper("Redfield") for hloc in h: y.append(Redfield(x, hloc)) fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.plot(x, np.array(y).T, label=['{:.2f}'.format(item) for item in h]) ax.legend(title='$H_{loc}$ (G)') ax.set_xscale("log") ax.set_xlabel('$H_{LF}$ (Gauss)') ax.set_ylabel('$\Lambda(\mu s^{-1})$') .. attributes:: .. properties:: References ---------- [1] `Takao Suzuki et al, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 502 012041 (2014) `_. .. categories:: .. sourcelink::