.. _dns_powder_tof_script_generator_tab-ref: DNS Powder TOF - Script Generator Tab ------------------------------------- .. image:: ../../../images/DNS_interface_powder_tof_script_generator_tab.png :align: center :height: 400px \ This tab enables a user to generate and run a mantid script for data reduction by clicking on the **Generate Script** button. **Automatic Script Filename** checkbox is selected by default, and the filename for the generated script will be set automatically to ``script_{sample name}_from_{first file number}_to_{last file number}.py``. Alternatively, the user can deselect this box and set manually the filename for t he output script. The script will be saved to the **Script Directory** selected in the :ref:`Paths ` tab. The path is shown in the status line. Running of the script can be aborted, by clicking the **Abort Loading** button, but then the data will not be displayed under the :ref:`Plotting ` tab. The displayed script window cannot be edited inside the GUI, but can be copied to the clipboard using the **Copy Script to Clipboard** button and redacted elsewhere.