============ MuSR Changes ============ .. contents:: Table of Contents :local: Interface --------- Improvements ############ - The updated :ref:`EstimateMuonAsymmetryFromCounts ` and :ref:`CalculateMuonAsymmetry ` are used in Muon Analysis. - TF Asymmetry mode now uses :ref:`CalMuonDetectorPhases ` and the fitting function is updated to show the normalization. Bugfixes ######## - Results table can now detect sequential fits. - Fit options are not disabled after changing tabs. - The run number is now updated before the periods, preventing irrelevant warnings from being produced. - In single fit the workspace can be changed. - In multiple fitting the function can be replaced without causing a crash. - Loading current run in Muon Analysis and going to previous runs no longer creates an error in the simultaneous fit label. Algorithms ---------- New ### - :ref:`ConvertFitFunctionForMuonTFAsymmetry ` has been added to help convert fitting functions for TF asymmetry fitting. Improvements ############ - :ref:`EstimateMuonAsymmetryFromCounts ` now updates a normalization table and produces unnormalized data. - :ref:`CalculateMuonAsymmetry ` now updates a normalization table and can take multiple workspaces. Bugfixes ######## - :ref:`EstimateMuonAsymmetryFromCounts ` had a small numerical error in the denominator of the normalisation calculation. - :ref:`MuonMaxent ` and :ref:`PhaseQuad ` no longer include dead detectors (zero counts) when calculating the frequency spectrum. - :ref:`RemoveExpDecay ` will not alter data from a dead detectors (zero counts). - :ref:`CalMuonDetectorPhases ` will give an error code for dead detectors (zero counts) in the phase table. - :ref:`MuonProcess ` always crops the data from `Xmin`. :ref:`Release 3.13.0 `