

This is a Python binding to the C++ class Mantid::API::AnalysisDataServiceImpl.

class mantid.api.AnalysisDataServiceImpl
static Instance() AnalysisDataServiceImpl :

Return a reference to the singleton instance

add((AnalysisDataServiceImpl)self, (str)name, (object)item) None :

Adds the given object to the service with the given name. If the name/object exists it will raise an error.

addOrReplace((AnalysisDataServiceImpl)self, (str)name, (object)item) None :

Adds the given object to the service with the given name. If the name exists the object is replaced.

addToGroup((AnalysisDataServiceImpl)arg1, (str)groupName, (str)wsName) None :

Add a workspace in the ADS to a group in the ADS

clear((AnalysisDataServiceImpl)self[, (bool)silent=False]) None :

Removes all objects managed by the service.

doesExist((AnalysisDataServiceImpl)self, (str)name) bool :

Returns True if the object is found in the service.

getObjectNames((AnalysisDataServiceImpl)self[, (str)contain='']) list :

Return the list of names currently known to the ADS


Creates a named variable in the globals dictionary of the current frame (inspect.currentframe).

For example, if the ADS contains a workspace with the name “deltax” then


will create a python variable for that workspace as if the user had typed mtd[‘deltax’].

@param mtd The Analysis Data Service Object

remove((AnalysisDataServiceImpl)self, (str)name) None :

Remove a named object

removeFromGroup((AnalysisDataServiceImpl)arg1, (str)groupName, (str)wsName) None :

Remove a workspace from a group in the ADS

retrieve((AnalysisDataServiceImpl)self, (str)name) Workspace :

Retrieve the named object. Raises an exception if the name does not exist

retrieveWorkspaces((AnalysisDataServiceImpl)self, (list)names[, (bool)unrollGroups=False]) list :

Retrieve a list of workspaces by name

size((AnalysisDataServiceImpl)self) int :

Returns the number of objects within the service

unique_hidden_name((AnalysisDataServiceImpl)self) str :

Return a randomly generated unique hidden workspace name.

unique_name((AnalysisDataServiceImpl)self[, (int)n=5[, (str)prefix=''[, (str)suffix='']]]) str :

Return a randomly generated unique name for a workspace

  • n (str) – length of string of random numbers

  • prefix (str) – String to be prepended to the generated string

  • suffix (str) – String to be appended to the generated string


prefix + n*random characters + suffix

Return type:
