Transition to the HistogramData module

HistogramData is a new Mantid module dealing with histograms. This is not a replacement for Histogram1D or ISpectrum, but rather deals with the histogram part of the data stored in those classes. This document is intended for Mantid developers. It informs about the transition to the new way of dealing with histograms, and explains the new interfaces.



  • Make working with histograms easier.

  • Provide a safer way of working with histograms.

  • Details can be found in the design document.



The histogram concept and nomenclature in Mantid. The expressions commonly used in Mantid to refer to these concepts are given in quotation marks. Details can be found in the text below. The CamelCase keywords are new types and will be introduced later.

Histogram data in Mantid is stored in a number of different ways that reflect the way it was produced, or the way algorithms deal with the data:

  • The x-data (typically corresponding to TOF or units derived from TOF) can represent bin edges (1 more than y-values), or points (1 for each y-value). Conversions between the two cases are done with the algorithms ConvertToPointData and ConvertToHistogram.

  • The y-data can be counts or counts divided by bin-width. In the latter case a workspace is said to contain distribution data. Conversions between the two cases are done with the algorithms ConvertToDistribution and ConvertFromDistribution.

  • The e-data (uncertainties) follows the same distinction as y-data. It typically stores the standard-deviation, but is sometimes (internally and temporarily) converted to a variance, i.e., the square of the standard-deviation.

The new histogram type described below is designed to follow the needs of the current way Mantid deals with histograms (the following description is mainly for x-data, but the same applies to y-data):

  1. Some algorithms work with bin edges, some with points, and many do not care.

  2. We need to share data, e.g., when the bin edges of all histograms in a workspace are identical. This is currently handled in ISpectrum, Histogram1D, and EventList, which store a copy-on-write pointer (Kernel::cow_ptr) to a std::vector<double>.

Mantid developers are all familiar with these two facts:

  1. Algorithms that “do not care” access the data and simply work with it. All other algorithms attempt to determine whether the x-data corresponds bin edges or points by comparing its length to that of the y-data (or alternatively use MatrixWorkspace::isHistogramData()). Based on the result they may convert, e.g., bin edges to points.

  2. The copy-on-write mechanism is reflected in the interface of ISpectrum and MatrixWorkspace:

     1using MantidVec = std::vector<double>;
     2using MantidVecPtr = Kernel::cow_ptr<std::vector<double>>;
     4// Current ISpectrum interface:
     5void setX(const MantidVec &X);
     6void setX(const MantidVecPtr &X);
     7void setX(const MantidVecPtr::ptr_type &X);
     8MantidVec &dataX();
     9const MantidVec &dataX() const;
    10const MantidVec &readX() const;
    11MantidVecPtr ptrX() const; // renamed to refX() in MatrixWorkspace
    • Non-const access to data in a spectrum will trigger a copy.

    • To avoid triggering the copy we use readX().

    • When we want to share data we use setX() with a shared_ptr or cow_ptr (can be obtained with ptrX() or refX()).

The shortcomings of the current implementation are mostly obvious and can also be found in the design document.

The new Histogram type


In its final form, we will be able to do things like the following (things not implemented yet are marked with an asterisk (*)):

 1BinEdges edges{1.0, 2.0, 4.0, 8.0};
 2Counts counts1{4, 100, 4};
 3Counts counts2{0, 100, 0};
 4Histogram histogram1(edges, counts1);
 5Histogram histogram2(edges, counts2);
 6// x-data in histogram1 and histogram2 is shared
 8// Uncertainties are auto-generated, unless specified explicitly
 9auto errors = histogram1.countStandardDeviations();
10errors[0]; // 2.0
11errors[1]; // 10.0
12errors[2]; // 2.0
14// Arithmetics with histograms (*)
15histogram1 += histogram2; // Checks size, throws if mismatched!
16auto counts = histogram1.counts();
17counts[0]; // 4.0
18counts[1]; // 200.0
19counts[2]; // 4.0
20// Deals with errors as well!
21errors = histogram1.countStandardDeviations();
22errors[0]; // 2.0
23errors[1]; // sqrt(200.0)
24errors[2]; // 2.0
26// Need bin centers (point data) instead of bin edges?
27auto points = histogram.points();
28// Need variance instead of standard deviation?
29auto variances = histogram.countVariances();
30// Need frequencies (distribution data) instead of counts?
31auto frequencies = histogram.frequencies();
32auto variances = histogram.frequencyVariances();
34// Type-safe operations
35CountStandardDeviations sigmas{0.1, 0.1};
36histogram.setCountVariances(sigmas); // Ok, squares internally
37sigmas += CountVariances{0.01, 0.01}; // Ok, takes sqrt before adding (*)
38sigmas[0]; // 0.2
39sigmas[1]; // 0.2

Further planned features:

  • Arithmetics will all sub-types (BinEdges, Points, Counts, and Frequencies, and also their respective Variances and StandardDeviations).

  • Generating bin edges (linear, logarithmic, …).

  • Extend the Histogram interface with more common operations.

  • Non-member functions for more complex operations on histograms such as rebinning.

  • Validation of data, e.g., non-zero bin widths and positivity of uncertainties.

Any feedback on additional capabilities of the new data types is highly appreciated. I will happily consider adding more features as long as they fit the overall design. Please get in contact with me!

Basic changes have been merged (soon after the 3.7 release). We will then work on reducing the use of the old interface (readX(), dataX(), readY(), …) as much as possible. After that, more features will follow.

We also want to expose most parts of the HistogramData module to Python, but no schedule has been decided yet. Parts of the old interface will be kept alive for now, in particular to maintain support for the old Python interface.


  • A new module HistogramData has been added.

  • Histogram1D and EventList now store their histogram data in the new type HistogramData::Histogram.

  • The public interface of ISpectrum and MatrixWorkspace gives access to Histogram and its components, in a fashion similar to readX(), dataX(), etc.

  • The old readX()/dataX() interface is still available for the time being, but its use is unsafe (as before) and it should not be used anymore.

MatrixWorkspace thus has a number of new public methods (details follow below):

 1class MatrixWorkspace {
 3  // Note return by value (see below)
 4  Histogram histogram(const size_t index) const;
 5  template <typename... T> void setHistogram(const size_t index, T &&... data) &;
 7  // Note return by value (see below)
 8  BinEdges binEdges(const size_t index) const;
 9  Points points(const size_t index) const;
11  template <typename... T> void setBinEdges(const size_t index, T &&... data) &;
12  template <typename... T> void setPoints(const size_t index, T &&... data) &;
14  // Note return by value (see below)
15  Counts counts(const size_t index) const;
16  CountVariances countVariances(const size_t index) const;
17  CountStandardDeviations countStandardDeviations(const size_t index) const;
18  Frequencies frequencies(const size_t index) const;
19  FrequencyVariances frequencyVariances(const size_t index) const;
20  FrequencyStandardDeviations frequencyStandardDeviations(const size_t index) const;
22  template <typename... T> void setCounts(const size_t index, T &&... data) & ;
23  template <typename... T> void setCountVariances(const size_t index, T &&... data) & ;
24  template <typename... T> void setCountStandardDeviations(const size_t index, T &&... data) & ;
25  template <typename... T> void setFrequencies(const size_t index, T &&... data) & ;
26  template <typename... T> void setFrequencyVariances(const size_t index, T &&... data) & ;
27  template <typename... T> void setFrequencyStandardDeviations(const size_t index, T &&... data) & ;
29  const HistogramX &x(const size_t index) const;
30  const HistogramY &y(const size_t index) const;
31  const HistogramE &e(const size_t index) const;
33  HistogramX &mutableX(const size_t index) &;
34  HistogramY &mutableY(const size_t index) &;
35  HistogramE &mutableE(const size_t index) &;
37  Kernel::cow_ptr<HistogramX> sharedX(const size_t index) const;
38  Kernel::cow_ptr<HistogramY> sharedY(const size_t index) const;
39  Kernel::cow_ptr<HistogramE> sharedE(const size_t index) const;
41  void setSharedX(const size_t index, const Kernel::cow_ptr<HistogramX> &x) &;
42  void setSharedY(const size_t index, const Kernel::cow_ptr<HistogramY> &y) &;
43  void setSharedE(const size_t index, const Kernel::cow_ptr<HistogramE> &e) &;


  • Contains copy-on-write pointers (cow_ptr) to the x-data, y-data, and e-data.

  • Therefore: copying and return-by-value (see Histogram MatrixWorkspace::histogram(size_t)) is cheap!

  • The interface gives access to the data as well as the pointer:

 1class Histogram {
 3  // ...
 4  // Replacement for readX() and dataX() const
 5  const HistogramX &x() const;
 6  const HistogramY &y() const;
 7  const HistogramE &e() const;
 8  // Replacement for dataX()
 9  HistogramX &mutableX() &;
10  HistogramY &mutableY() &;
11  HistogramE &mutableE() &;
13  // Replacement for refX()
14  Kernel::cow_ptr<HistogramX> sharedX() const;
15  Kernel::cow_ptr<HistogramY> sharedY() const;
16  Kernel::cow_ptr<HistogramE> sharedE() const;
17  // Replacement for setX()
18  void setSharedX(const Kernel::cow_ptr<HistogramX> &x) &;
19  void setSharedY(const Kernel::cow_ptr<HistogramY> &y) &;
20  void setSharedE(const Kernel::cow_ptr<HistogramE> &e) &;

Note that there is also Dx-data, but it is not widely used and thus omitted from this documentation. The interface for Dx is mostly equivalent to that for E.

HistogramX, HistogramY, and HistogramE

  • The current fundamental type for x-data, std::vector<double>, is replaced by HistogramX.

  • The current fundamental type for y-data, std::vector<double>, is replaced by HistogramY.

  • The current fundamental type for e-data, std::vector<double>, is replaced by HistogramE.

  • Internally these are also a std::vector<double> and the interface is almost identical.

  • However, they do not allow for size modifications, since that could bring a histogram into an inconsistent state, e.g., by resizing the x-data without also resizing the y-data.


  • For algorithms that work with bin edges, Histogram provides an interface for accessing and modifying the x-data as if it were stored as bin edges:

    1class Histogram {
    3  // Returns by value!
    4  BinEdges binEdges() const;
    5  // Accepts any arguments that can be used to construct BinEdges
    6  template <typename... T> void setBinEdges(T &&... data) &;
  • If the histogram stores point data, Histogram::binEdges() will automatically compute the bin edges from the points.

  • BinEdges contains a cow_ptr to HistogramX. If the histogram stores bin edges, the BinEdges object returned by Histogram::binEdges() references the same HistogramX, i.e., there is no expensive copy involved.

  • Setting the same BinEdges object on several histograms will share the underlying data.

  • Histogram::setBinEdges() includes a size check and throws if the histogram is incompatible with the size defined by the method arguments.


  • For algorithms that work with points, Histogram provides an interface for accessing and modifying the x-data as if it were stored as points:

    1class Histogram {
    3  // Returns by value!
    4  Points points() const;
    5  // Accepts any arguments that can be used to construct Points
    6  template <typename... T> void setPoints(T && ... data) &;
  • If the histogram stores bin edges, Histogram::points() will automatically compute the points from the bin edges.

  • Points contains a cow_ptr to HistogramX. If the histogram stores points, the Points object returned by Histogram::points() references the same HistogramX, i.e., there is no expensive copy involved.

  • Setting the same Points object on several histograms will share the underlying data.

  • Histogram::setPoints() includes a size check and throws if the histogram is incompatible with the size defined by the method arguments.


  • For algorithms that work with counts, Histogram provides an interface for accessing and modifying the y-data as if it were stored as counts:

    1class Histogram {
    3  // Returns by value!
    4  Counts counts() const;
    5  // Accepts any arguments that can be used to construct Counts
    6  template <typename... T> void setCounts(T &&... data) &;
  • Currently the histogram stores counts directly. If this were ever not the case, Histogram::counts() will automatically compute the counts from the frequencies.

  • Counts contains a cow_ptr to HistogramY. If the histogram stores counts (as in the current implementation), the Counts object returned by Histogram::counts() references the same HistogramY, i.e., there is no expensive copy involved.

  • Setting the same Counts object on several histograms will share the underlying data.

  • Histogram::setCounts() includes a size check and throws if the histogram is incompatible with the size defined by the method arguments.


  • For algorithms that work with frequencies (defined as counts divided by the bin width), Histogram provides an interface for accessing and modifying the y-data as if it were stored as frequencies:

    1class Histogram {
    3  // Returns by value!
    4  Frequencies frequencies() const;
    5  // Accepts any arguments that can be used to construct Frequencies
    6  template <typename... T> void setFrequencies(T &&... data) &;
  • Currently the histogram stores counts. Histogram::counts() will automatically compute the frequencies from the counts.

  • Frequencies contains a cow_ptr to HistogramY.

  • Setting the same Frequencies object on several histograms will not share the underlying data since a conversion is required. This is in contrast to BinEdges and Points where the internal storage mode is changed when setters are used. This is currently not the case for Counts and Frequencies, i.e., y-data is always stored as counts.

  • Histogram::setFrequencies() includes a size check and throws if the histogram is incompatible with the size defined by the method arguments.

CountVariances, CountStandardDeviations, FrequencyVariances, and FrequencyStandardDeviations

  • For algorithms that work with counts or frequencies, Histogram provides an interface for accessing and modifying the e-data as if it were stored as variances or standard deviations of counts or frequencies:

     1class Histogram {
     3  // Return by value!
     4  CountVariances countVariances() const;
     5  CountStandardDeviations countStandardDeviations() const;
     6  FrequencyVariances frequencyVariances() const;
     7  FrequencyStandardDeviations frequencyStandardDeviations() const;
     8  // Accept any arguments that can be used to construct the respectivy object
     9  template <typename... T> void setCountVariances(T &&... data) &;
    10  template <typename... T> void setCountStandardDeviations(T &&... data) &;
    11  template <typename... T> void setFrequencyVariances(T &&... data) &;
    12  template <typename... T> void setFrequencyStandardDeviations(T &&... data) &;
  • Currently the histogram stores the standard deviations of the counts. When accessing the uncertainties via any of the other 3 types the above interface methods, Histogram will automatically compute the requested type from the standard deviations of the counts.

  • Each of the 4 types for uncertainties contains a cow_ptr to HistogramE. In the current implementation the CountStandardDeviations object returned by Histogram::countStandardDeviations() references the same HistogramE as stored in the histogram, i.e., there is no expensive copy involved.

  • Setting the same CountStandardDeviations object on several histograms will share the underlying data.

  • Setting any of the other 3 uncertantity objects on several histograms will not share the underlying data, since a conversion needs to take place.

  • All Histogram setters for uncertainties includes a size check and throw if the histogram is incompatible with the size defined by the method arguments.

Code examples

All new classes and functions described here are part of the module HistogramData. The following code examples assume using namespace HistogramData;.

Working with bin edges and counts

 2// Construct like std::vector<double>:
 4Counts counts(length); // initialized to 0.0
 5Counts counts(length, 42.0);
 6Counts counts{0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 0.8};
 7std::vector<double> data(...);
 8Counts counts(data);
 9Counts counts(data.begin() + 1, data.end());
10Counts counts(std::move(data));
13// Iterators:
15BinEdges edges = {1.0, 2.0, 4.0};
16if(edges.cbegin() != edges.cend())
17  *(edges.begin()) += 0.1;
18// Range-based for works thanks to iterators:
19for (auto &edge : edges)
20  edge += 0.1;
23// Index operator:
25BinEdges edges = {1.0, 2.0, 4.0};
26edges[0]; // 1.0
27edges[1]; // 2.0
28edges[2]; // 4.0
30// Only const! This is not possible:
31edges[0] += 0.1; // DOES NOT COMPILE
33// REASON: BinEdges contains a copy-on-write pointer to data, dereferencing in
34// tight loop is expensive, so interface prevents things like this:
35for (size_t i = 0; i < edges.size(); ++i)
36  edges[i] += 0.1; // does not compile
38// If you need write access via index, use:
39auto x = edges.mutableData(); // works similar to current dataX()
40for (size_t i = 0; i < x.size(); ++i)
41  x[i] += 0.1*i;
43// Better (for simple cases):
44edges += 0.1;

Working with points

 1// Works identically to BinEdges
 2Points points{0.1, 0.2, 0.4};
 3// ...
 5// Type safe!
 6BinEdges edges(...);
 7points = edges; // DOES NOT COMPILE
 9// Can convert
10points = Points(edges); // Points are defined as mid-points between edges
11edges = BinEdges(points); // Note that this is lossy, see ConvertToHistogram

Working with histograms

 2// Construct Histogram:
 4Histogram histogram(BinEdges{0.1, 0.2, 0.4}, Counts(2, 1000));
 5histogram.xMode(); // returns Histogram::XMode::BinEdges
 8// Assignment:
10histogram2 = histogram1; // Data is automatically shared
13// Basic access:
15auto edges = histogram.binEdges(); // size 3, references Histogram::x()
16auto points = histogram.points(); // size 2, computed on the fly
17points[0]; // 0.15
18points[1]; // 0.3
19const auto &x = histogram.x(); // size 3
20auto &x = histogram.mutableX(); // size 3
23// Modify bin edges:
25auto edges = histogram.binEdges();
26edges[1] += 0.1;
30// Outlook (not implemented yet):
32histogram2 += histogram1; // Checks for compatible x, adds y and e
35// Side remark -- bin edges and points:
37Histogram histogram(BinEdges{0.1, 0.2, 0.4});
38histogram.xMode(); // returns Histogram::XMode::BinEdges
39auto edges = histogram.binEdges(); // size 3, references Histogram::x()
40auto points = histogram.points(); // size 2, computed on the fly
41// XMode::BinEdges, size 3 is compatible with Points of size 2, so:
42histogram.setPoints(points); // size check passes
43histogram.xMode(); // returns Histogram::XMode::Points
44edges = histogram.binEdges(); // size 3, computed on the fly
45points = histogram.points(); // size 2, references Histogram::x()
46// Note that edges is now different from its initial values (same
47// behavior as ConvertToPointData followed by ConvertToHistogram).

Working with the new MatrixWorkspace interface

 1// Setting Histograms
 2outputWS->setHistogram(i, inputWS->histogram(i));
 3outputWS->setHistogram(i, eventWS->histogram(i)); // ok, histogram data computed based on events
 4outputWS->setHistogram(i, BinEdges{0.1, 0.2, 0.4}, Counts(2, 1000.0));
 5eventWS->setHistogram(i, Points{0.1, 0.2, 0.4}); // throws, EventWorkspace needs bin edges
 6eventWS->setHistogram(i, BinEdges{0.1, 0.2, 0.4}, Counts(2, 1000.0)); // throws, cannot have Y data
 7eventWS->setHistogram(i, BinEdges{0.1, 0.2, 0.4}); // ok
 9// Setting BinEdges , Counts, ...
10outputWS->setCounts(i, 2, 1000.0);
11outputWS->setCounts(i, data.begin() + 42, data.end());
13// Preserve sharing
14outputWS->setSharedY(i, inputWS->sharedY(i));
15outputWS->setCounts(i, inputWS->counts(i)); // also shares, 'Counts' wraps a cow_ptr
16outputWS->setBinEdges(i, inputWS->binEdges(i)); // shares if input storage mode is 'XMode::BinEdges'

Legacy interface

For compatibility reasons an interface to the internal data, equivalent to the old interface, is still available. Using it is discouraged, since it cannot enforce size checks!

1class Histogram {
3  MantidVec &dataX();
4  const MantidVec &dataX() const;
5  const MantidVec &readX() const;
6  // Pointer access is slightly modified, holding a HistogramX:
7  void setX(const Kernel::cow_ptr<HistogramX> &X);
8  Kernel::cow_ptr<HistogramX> ptrX() const;

Rollout status

In principle, Histogram removes the need for conversions between storage types of Y and E data, i.e., the algorithms ConvertToDistribution and ConvertFromDistribution, and manual conversions between standard deviations and variances.

  • We have not progressed far enough with refactoring to do this.

  • Just as before the introduction of Histogram, converting the data and accessing it in the wrong way will create nonsensical results. For example:

    • Converting a workspace with ConvertToDistribution and then running another algorithm that interprets readY() as counts does not make sense.

    • Histogram does not yet protect us from that in its current state. Running ConvertToDistribution and then accessing data as counts() or frequencies() will not convert correctly, since the Histogram does not know that an external conversion algorithm has been run on its data.

  • It is essential to fix this as a next step, there are two options:

    • Option A: Remove all such conversions from Mantid, if data is required as one type or another use counts() or frequencies().

    • Option B: Make changing the storage type of Y and E data in Histogram possible. This implies that we cannot use Histogram::y() in algorithms that require Counts, since this is not guaranteed anymore.

Storing the uncertainties as standard deviations vs. storing them as variances suffers from a very similar problem.

Both options have shortcomings and I have currently not made up my mind about the best solution. In any case this will be a major change and is thus not part of the initial introduction of the HistogramData module. I would be happy about feedback or other ideas.

Dealing with problems

There are two issues you might encounter when implementing new algorithms or when running existing scripts that are not part of our automated testing:

  1. Exceptions to due size mismatch. The Histogram type validates the size of X, Y, and E data in (non-legacy) setters. The best solution is to determine the correct size at creation time of the workspace. Alternatively, you can simply set a new histogram with different size via MatrixWorkspace::setHistogram() (not yet available in Python).

  2. Exceptions about the storage mode of the X data, Histogram::Xmode. This happens rarely, typically by creating a workspace that contains histogram data (bin edges) and modifying the size via the legacy interface to store point data (or vice versa). These size modifications are only possible via the legacy interface. The best solution is to determine the storage mode at creation time of the workspace, by specifying the correct length of the X data. If that is not possible, use the new setters such as setBinEdges(), they will trigger a conversion of the internal storage mode (not yet available in Python).

Category: Concepts