DNS Powder TOF - Options Tab¶

This tab of the powder TOF mode defines the options for the reduction script. The most useful configuration is preselected so that one just needs to set the binning and proceed to the next tab if no change to the selected options is desired.
Wavelength sets the wavelength of the neutron beam. The value can be overwritten,
for example for the cases when
Normalisation gives the user a choice whether to normalise the data on monitor counts or not.
Detector Efficiency Correction normalizes the detector efficiency using standard vanadium data. Moreover, the temperature of the vanadium sample can be specified using the respective Vanadium Temperature box.
Subtract Instrument Background from Vanadium can be enabled to subtract the instrument background from vanadium data. Additionally, the instrument background can be corrected by a scaling factor using the corresponding Factor box.
Correct Elastic Peak Position to 0 meV shifts the elastic peak to 0 meV using a fit of the elastic line of the vanadium data. This is necessary because the zero time signal is not calibrated at DNS at the moment. Alternatively, the elastic peak channel can be given manually.
Mask Bad Detectors (Vanadium Counts < 0) option enables user to mask those detectors that show negative counts.
Subtract Instrument Background from Sample can be enabled to subtract the instrument background from sample data. The corresponding Factor box can be used to set a scaling factor for this correction.
Elastic Peak Channel can be used to specify the time channel number at which the elastic peak is observed. Delete Raw Workspaces gives the user a choice whether to remove workspaces with raw data or not from the list of loaded workspaces.
Binning section can be used to specify the respective self-descriptive parameters of binning. Suggest from Data button can be pressed to set the parameters of binning to the values that will give the user an opportunity to display the whole dataset.