
This a python binding to the C++ class Mantid::API::AlgorithmFactoryImpl.

class mantid.api.AlgorithmFactoryImpl
Instance() → AlgorithmFactoryImpl :

Returns a reference to the AlgorithmFactory singleton


Raises an exception This class cannot be instantiated from Python

exists((AlgorithmFactoryImpl)arg1, (str)name[, (int)version=-1]) → bool :

Returns true if the given algorithm exists with an option to specify the version

getRegisteredAlgorithms((AlgorithmFactoryImpl)self, (bool)include_hidden) → dict :

Returns a Python dictionary of currently registered algorithms

highestVersion((AlgorithmFactoryImpl)self, (str)algorithm_name) → int :

Returns the highest version of the named algorithm. Throws ValueError if no algorithm can be found

subscribe((AlgorithmFactoryImpl)self, (object)object) → None :

Register a Python class derived from PythonAlgorithm into the factory