
This a python binding to the C++ class Mantid::API::IMDEventWorkspace.

bases: mantid.api.IMDWorkspace, mantid.api.MultipleExperimentInfos

class mantid.api.IMDEventWorkspace

Raises an exception This class cannot be instantiated from Python

addExperimentInfo((MultipleExperimentInfos)self, (ExperimentInfo)ExperimentalInfo) → int :

Add a new ExperimentInfo to this MDWorkspace

clone(*InputWorkspace, **Version=1)

Copies an existing workspace into a new one.

Property descriptions:

InputWorkspace(Input:req) Workspace Name of the input workspace. Must be a MatrixWorkspace (2D or EventWorkspace), a PeaksWorkspace or a MDEventWorkspace.

OutputWorkspace(Output:req) Workspace Name of the newly created cloned workspace.

convertUnits(*InputWorkspace, Target, EMode=None, EFixed=None, AlignBins=None, ConvertFromPointData=None, **Version=1)

Performs a unit change on the X values of a workspace

Property descriptions:

InputWorkspace(Input:req) MatrixWorkspace Name of the input workspace

OutputWorkspace(Output:req) MatrixWorkspace Name of the output workspace, can be the same as the input

Target(Input:req) string The name of the units to convert to (must be one of those registered in the Unit Factory)[Degrees, DeltaE, DeltaE_inFrequency, DeltaE_inWavenumber, dSpacing, dSpacingPerpendicular, Empty, Energy, Energy_inWavenumber, Label, Momentum, MomentumTransfer, QSquared, SpinEchoLength, SpinEchoTime, Time, TOF, Wavelength]

EMode(Input) string The energy mode (default: elastic)[Elastic, Direct, Indirect]

EFixed(Input) number Value of fixed energy in meV : EI (EMode=Direct) or EF (EMode=Indirect) . Must be set if the target unit requires it (e.g. DeltaE)

AlignBins(Input) boolean If true (default is false), rebins after conversion to ensure that all spectra in the output workspace have identical bin boundaries. This option is not recommended (see

ConvertFromPointData(Input) boolean When checked, if the Input Workspace contains Points the algorithm ConvertToHistogram will be run to convert the Points to Bins. The Output Workspace will contains Bins.

copyExperimentInfos((MultipleExperimentInfos)self, (MultipleExperimentInfos)MultipleExperimentInfos) → None :

Copy the experiment infos from another

delete(*Workspace, **Version=1)

Removes a workspace from memory.

Property descriptions:

Workspace(Input:req) Workspace Name of the workspace to delete.

displayNormalization((IMDWorkspace)self) → MDNormalization :

Returns the visual normalization of the workspace.

displayNormalizationHisto((IMDWorkspace)self) → MDNormalization :

For MDEventWorkspaces returns the visual normalization of dervied MDHistoWorkspaces.For all others returns the same as displayNormalization.

estimateResolution((MDGeometry)self) → numpy.ndarray :

Returns a numpy array containing the width of the smallest bin in each dimension

getBasisVector((MDGeometry)self, (int)index) → VMD :

Returns a VMD object defining the basis vector for the specified dimension

getBoxController((IMDEventWorkspace)self) → BoxController :

Returns the BoxController used in this workspace

getComment((Workspace)self) → str :

Returns the comment field on the workspace

getDimension((MDGeometry)self, (int)index) → IMDDimension :

Returns the description of the dimension at the given index (starts from 0). Raises RuntimeError if index is out of range.

getDimensionIndexById((MDGeometry)self, (str)id) → int :

Returns the index of the dimension with the given ID. Raises RuntimeError if the name does not exist.

getDimensionIndexByName((MDGeometry)self, (str)name) → int :

Returns the index of the dimension with the given name. Raises RuntimeError if the name does not exist.

getDimensionWithId((MDGeometry)self, (str)id) → IMDDimension :

Returns the description of the dimension with the given id string. Raises ValueError if the string is not a known id.

getExperimentInfo((MultipleExperimentInfos)self, (int)run_index) → ExperimentInfo :

Return the experiment info at the given index.

getGeometryXML((MDGeometry)self) → str :

Returns an XML representation, as a string, of the geometry of the workspace

getHistory((Workspace)self) → WorkspaceHistory :

Return read-only access to the workspace history

getMemorySize((Workspace)self) → int :

Returns the memory footprint of the workspace in KB

getNEvents((IMDWorkspace)self) → int :

Returns the total number of events, contributed to the workspace

getNPoints((IMDEventWorkspace)self) → int :

Returns the total number of points (events) in this workspace

getName((Workspace)self) → str :

Returns the name of the workspace. This could be an empty string

getNonIntegratedDimensions((MDGeometry)self) → list :

Returns the description objects of the non-integrated dimension as a python list of IMDDimension.

getNumDims((IMDEventWorkspace)self) → int :

Returns the number of dimensions in this workspace

getNumExperimentInfo((MultipleExperimentInfos)self) → int :

Return the number of experiment info objects,

getNumberTransformsFromOriginal((MDGeometry)self) → int :

Returns the number of transformations from original workspace coordinate systems

getNumberTransformsToOriginal((MDGeometry)self) → int :

Returns the number of transformations to original workspace coordinate systems

getOrigin((MDGeometry)self) → VMD :

Returns the vector of the origin (in the original workspace) that corresponds to 0,0,0... in this workspace

getOriginalWorkspace((MDGeometry)self, (int)index) → Workspace :

Returns the source workspace attached at the given index

getSpecialCoordinateSystem((IMDWorkspace)self) → SpecialCoordinateSystem :

Returns the special coordinate system of the workspace

getTDimension((MDGeometry)self) → IMDDimension :

Returns the dimension description mapped to time

getTitle((Workspace)self) → str :

Returns the title of the workspace

getXDimension((MDGeometry)self) → IMDDimension :

Returns the dimension description mapped to X

getYDimension((MDGeometry)self) → IMDDimension :

Returns the dimension description mapped to Y

getZDimension((MDGeometry)self) → IMDDimension :

Returns the dimension description mapped to Z

hasOriginalWorkspace((MDGeometry)self, (int)index) → bool :

Returns True if there is a source workspace at the given index

id((DataItem)self) → str :

The string ID of the class

isDirty((Workspace)self[, (int)n]) → bool :

True if the workspace has run more than n algorithms (Default=1)

isMDHistoWorkspace((IMDWorkspace)self) → bool :

Returns True if this is considered to be binned data.

maskDetectors(*Workspace, SpectraList=None, DetectorList=None, WorkspaceIndexList=None, MaskedWorkspace=None, ForceInstrumentMasking=None, StartWorkspaceIndex=None, EndWorkspaceIndex=None, ComponentList=None, **Version=1)

An algorithm to mask a detector, or set of detectors, as not to be used. The workspace spectra associated with those detectors are zeroed.

Property descriptions:

Workspace(InOut:req) Workspace The name of the input and output workspace on which to perform the algorithm.

SpectraList(Input) int list An ArrayProperty containing a list of spectra to mask

DetectorList(Input) int list An ArrayProperty containing a list of detector ID’s to mask

WorkspaceIndexList(Input) unsigned int list An ArrayProperty containing the workspace indices to mask

MaskedWorkspace(Input) MatrixWorkspace If given but not as a SpecialWorkspace2D, the masking from this workspace will be copied. If given as a SpecialWorkspace2D, the masking is read from its Y values.[]

ForceInstrumentMasking(Input) boolean Works when ‘MaskedWorkspace’ is provided and forces to use spectra-detector mapping even in case when number of spectra in ‘Workspace’ and ‘MaskedWorkspace’ are equal

StartWorkspaceIndex(Input) number If other masks fields are provided, it’s the first index of the target workspace to be allowed to be masked from by these masks, if not, its the first index of the target workspace to mask. Default value is 0 if other masking is present or ignored if not.

EndWorkspaceIndex(Input) number If other masks are provided, it’s the last index of the target workspace allowed to be masked to by these masks, if not, its the last index of the target workspace to mask. Default is number of histograms in target workspace if other masks are present or ignored if not.

ComponentList(Input) str list An ArrayProperty containing a list of component names to mask

name((DataItem)self) → str :

The name of the object

numOriginalWorkspaces((MDGeometry)self) → int :

Returns the number of source workspaces attached

setComment((Workspace)self, (str)comment) → None :

Set the comment field of the workspace

setDisplayNormalization((IMDEventWorkspace)self, (MDNormalization)normalization) → None :

Sets the visual normalization of the workspace.

setDisplayNormalizationHisto((IMDEventWorkspace)self, (MDNormalization)normalization) → None :

For MDEventWorkspaces sets the visual normalization of dervied MDHistoWorkspaces.

setTitle((Workspace)self, (str)title) → None :

Set the title of the workspace

threadSafe((DataItem)self) → bool :

Returns true if the object can be accessed safely from multiple threads