Instrument Access via SpectrumInfo and DetectorInfo


There are two new layers to access instrument information, SpectrumInfo and DetectorInfo, that are going to be introduced to Mantid as part of the work towards Instrument 2.0. Eventually these classes will store commonly accessed information about spectra or detectors, namely masking, monitor flags, L1, L2, 2-theta and position, leading to improved performance and cleaner code.

A spectrum corresponds to (a group of) one or more detectors. Most algorithms work with spectra and thus SpectrumInfo would be used. Some algorithms work on a lower level (with individual detectors) and thus DetectorInfo would be used.

In many cases direct access to Instrument can be removed by using these layers. This will also help in moving to using indexes for enumeration, and only working with IDs for user-facing input.

Current Status

SpectrumInfo and DetectorInfo are currently implemented as wrapper classes in Mantid. Using the new interfaces everywhere now will help with the eventual rollout of Instrument 2.0. It also provides cleaner code and will help with the rollout of planned indexing changes. It is also necessary to provide the addition of time indexing, required to support scanning instruments.


SpectrumInfo can be obtained from a call to MatrixWorkspace::spectrumInfo(). The wrapper class holds a reference to a DetectorInfo object and calls through to this for access to information on masking, monitor flags etc.


DetectorInfo can be obtained from a call to ExperimentInfo::detectorInfo() (usually this method would be called on MatrixWorkspace). The wrapper class holds a reference to the parametrised instrument for retrieving the relevant information.

There is also a partial implementation of the “real” DetectorInfo class, in the Beamline namespace. The real class currently stores the masking information for a detector. The wrapper DetectorInfo class holds a reference to the real class. This does not affect the rollout, where the wrapper class should still be used in all cases.

Changes for Rollout

Performance Tests

Before starting the refactoring work please take a look at the state of any performance tests that exist for the algorithms. If they exist they should be run to get the “before” timings. If they do not exist please add performance test for any algorithms that are widely used, or might be expected to have a performance increase. See this performance test added for the SpectrumInfo rollout for an example of adding such a test.

Each PR should include the runtime metrics for the algorithms changed, so that improvements can be captured for the release notes.



All instances of MatrixWorkspace::getDetector() should be replaced using calls to the SpectrumInfo object obtained from MatrixWorkspace::spectrumInfo(). The methods below can then be called on SpectrumInfo instead of on the detector.

  • isMonitor(wsIndex)
  • isMasked(wsIndex)
  • l2(wsIndex)
  • twoTheta(wsIndex)
  • signedTwoTheta(wsIndex)
  • position(wsIndex)

The try/catch pattern for checking if a spectrum has a detector might look something like the following before/after example.

Before refactoring

try {
  Geometry::IDetector_const_sptr det = ws.getDetector(wsIndex);
  // do stuff
catch (Exception::NotFoundError &) {
  // do exception
  return false;

After - check it has some detectors

#include "MantidAPI/SpectrumInfo.h"


const auto &spectrumInfo = ws->spectrumInfo();

if (spectrumInfo.hasDetectors(wsIndex)) {
  // do stuff
} else {
  // do exception
  return false;

In this case, which is generally more common, the check is for at least one detector. It is also possible to check for the existence of a unique detector, see the alternative after example below.

After - check for a unique detector

#include "MantidAPI/SpectrumInfo.h"


const auto &spectrumInfo = ws->spectrumInfo();

if (!spectrumInfo.hasUniqueDetector(wsIndex)) {
  // do exception
  return false;

// do stuff

Access to Detectors

The detector(wsIndex) method on SpectrumInfo returns the parameterised detector or detector group for the workspace. As SpectrumInfo does not provide access to things like Object::solidAngle(), the detector() method on SpectrumInfo can be used to get access to these methods.

Mutable SpectrumInfo

The method MatrixWorkspace::mutableSpectrumInfo() returns a non-const SpectrumInfo object. Currently the only method that this access is required for is SpectrumInfo::setMasked(const size_t index, bool masked).

Useful Tips

  • Creation of SpectrumInfo objects is not cheap. Make sure ws.spectrumInfo() is called outside of loops that go over all spectra.
  • If a SpectrumInfo object is required for more than one workspace then include the workspace name in the name of the SpectrumInfo object, to avoid confusion.
  • Get the SpectrumInfo object as a const reference and use auto - const auto &spectrumInfo = ws->spectrumInfo();.
  • Do not forget to add the import - #include "MantidAPI/SpectrumInfo.h".



The conversion is similar to that for SpectrumInfo. For DetectorInfo all instances of Instrument::getDetector() should be replaced using calls to the DetectorInfo object obtained from MatrixWorkspace::detectorInfo(). The methods below can then be called on DetectorInfo instead of on the detector.

  • isMonitor(detIndex)
  • isMasked(detIndex)
  • l2(detIndex)
  • twoTheta(detIndex)
  • signedTwoTheta(detIndex)
  • position(detIndex)


The DetectorInfo object is accessed by an index going from 0 to the number of detectors. A vector of detector IDs can be obtained from a call to detectorInfo.detectorIDs().

It is also possible to use the method detectorInfo.indexOf(detID) to get the index for a particular detector ID. However, this is a call to a lookup in an unordered map, so is an expensive calculation which should be avoided where possible.

Below is an example refactoring.

Before refactoring

auto instrument = ws->getInstrument();
if (!instrument)
  throw runtime_error("There is no instrument in input workspace.")

size_t numdets = instrument->getNumberDetectors();
vector<detid_t> detIds = instrument->getDetectorIDs();

for (size_t i = 0; i < numdets; ++i) {
  IDetector_const_sptr tmpdetector = instrument->getDetector(detIds[i]);
  if (tmpdetector->isMasked()) {

After - looping over index

#include "MantidAPI/Detector.h"


const auto &detectorInfo = ws->detectorInfo();
if (detectorInfo.size() == 0)
  throw runtime_error("There is no instrument in input workspace.")

vector<detid_t> detIds = detectorInfo.detectorIDs();

for (size_t i = 0; i < detectorInfo.size(); ++i) {
  if (detectorInfo.isMasked(i)) {

Access to Detectors

As for the SpectrumInfo object DetectorInfo can return a parameterised detector for the workspace.

Mutable DetectorInfo

The method ExperimentInfo::mutableDetectorInfo() returns a non-const DetectorInfo object. This allows the methods below to be used.

  • setMasked(const size_t index, bool masked);
  • clearMaskFlags();
  • setPosition(const size_t index, const Kernel::V3D &position);
  • setRotation(const size_t index, const Kernel::Quat &rotation);
  • setPosition(const Geometry::IComponent &comp, const Kernel::V3D &pos);
  • setRotation(const Geometry::IComponent &comp, const Kernel::Quat &rot);

For a complete example of setting the position of a detector see the changes to the algorithm ApplyCalibration.cpp.

Useful Tips

See tips for SpectrumInfo - the same advice applies to using DetectorInfo.

Rollout status

See ticket 17743 for an overview of the SpectrumInfo and DetectorInfo rollout, including completed and algorithms, and remaining algorithms. Please follow the instructions on the ticket for the rollout.

Dealing with problems

Join #instrument-2_0 on Slack if you need help or have questions. Please also feel free to get in touch with Ian Bush, Simon Heybrock or Owen Arnold directly for any questions about the SpectrumInfo, DetectorInfo and the rollout.

Category: Concepts