
This a python binding to the C++ class Mantid::Kernel::PropertyManagerDataServiceImpl.

class mantid.kernel.PropertyManagerDataServiceImpl
Instance() → PropertyManagerDataServiceImpl :

Return a reference to the singleton instance


Raises an exception This class cannot be instantiated from Python

add((PropertyManagerDataServiceImpl)self, (str)name, (object)item) → None :
Adds the given object to the service with the given name. If the name/object exists it will raise an error.

add( (PropertyManagerDataServiceImpl)arg1, (str)arg2, (dict)arg3) -> None

addOrReplace((PropertyManagerDataServiceImpl)self, (str)name, (object)item) → None :
Adds the given object to the service with the given name. The the name exists the object is replaced.

addOrReplace( (PropertyManagerDataServiceImpl)arg1, (str)arg2, (dict)arg3) -> None

clear((PropertyManagerDataServiceImpl)self) → None :

Removes all objects managed by the service.

doesExist((PropertyManagerDataServiceImpl)self, (str)name) → bool :

Returns True if the object is found in the service.

getObjectNames((PropertyManagerDataServiceImpl)self) → object :

Return the list of names currently known to the ADS

remove((PropertyManagerDataServiceImpl)self, (str)name) → None :

Remove a named object

retrieve((PropertyManagerDataServiceImpl)self, (str)name) → PropertyManager :

Retrieve the named object. Raises an exception if the name does not exist

size((PropertyManagerDataServiceImpl)self) → int :

Returns the number of objects within the service