AppendSpectra v1


AppendSpectra dialog.


Join two workspaces together by appending their spectra.


Name Direction Type Default Description
InputWorkspace1 Input MatrixWorkspace Mandatory The name of the first input workspace
InputWorkspace2 Input MatrixWorkspace Mandatory The name of the second input workspace
ValidateInputs Input boolean True Perform a set of checks that the two input workspaces are compatible.
Number Input number 1 Append the spectra from InputWorkspace2 multiple times (for MatrixWorkspaces only)
OutputWorkspace Output MatrixWorkspace Mandatory The name of the output workspace
MergeLogs Input boolean False Whether to combine the logs of the two input workspaces


This algorithm appends the spectra of two workspaces together.

The output workspace from this algorithm will be a copy of the first input workspace, to which the data from the second input workspace will be appended.

Workspace data members other than the data (e.g. instrument etc.) will be copied from the first input workspace (but if they’re not identical anyway, then you probably shouldn’t be using this algorithm!).

Restrictions on the input workspace

For EventWorkspaces, there are no restrictions on the input workspaces if ValidateInputs=false.

For Workspace2Ds, the number of bins must be the same in both inputs.

If ValidateInputs is selected, then the input workspaces must also:

  • Come from the same instrument
  • Have common units
  • Have common bin boundaries

Spectrum Numbers

If there is an overlap in the spectrum numbers of both inputs, then the output workspace will have its spectrum numbers reset starting at 0 and increasing by 1 for each spectrum.

See also

ConjoinWorkspaces v1 for joining parts of the same workspace.


Example: Appending two workspaces

ws = CreateSampleWorkspace(BankPixelWidth=1)
ws2 = CreateSampleWorkspace(BankPixelWidth=2)
for wsLoop in [ws,ws2]:
    print("Workspace '{}' has {} spectra beforehand".format(wsLoop, wsLoop.getNumberHistograms()))
wsOut = AppendSpectra(ws, ws2)
print("Workspace '{}' has {} spectra after AppendSpectra".format(wsOut, wsOut.getNumberHistograms()))


Workspace 'ws' has 2 spectra beforehand
Workspace 'ws2' has 8 spectra beforehand
Workspace 'wsOut' has 10 spectra after AppendSpectra

Example: Appending two workspaces

ws = CreateSampleWorkspace(BankPixelWidth=1)
ws2 = CreateSampleWorkspace(BankPixelWidth=1)
for wsLoop in [ws,ws2]:
    print("Workspace '{}' has {} spectra beforehand".format(wsLoop, wsLoop.getNumberHistograms()))
wsOut = AppendSpectra(ws, ws2, Number=4)
print("Workspace '{}' has {} spectra after AppendSpectra".format(wsOut, wsOut.getNumberHistograms()))


Workspace 'ws' has 2 spectra beforehand
Workspace 'ws2' has 2 spectra beforehand
Workspace 'wsOut' has 10 spectra after AppendSpectra

Categories: Algorithms | Transforms\Merging


C++ source: AppendSpectra.cpp (last modified: 2017-10-25)

C++ header: AppendSpectra.h (last modified: 2016-09-28)