Table of Contents
Name | Direction | Type | Default | Description |
VanadiumWorkspace | Input | MatrixWorkspace | Mandatory | Input Vanadium workspace |
EPPTable | Input | TableWorkspace | Mandatory | Input EPP table. May be produced by FindEPP algorithm. |
OutputWorkspace | Output | MatrixWorkspace | Mandatory | Name the workspace that will contain the calibration coefficients |
Temperature | Input | number | Optional | Temperature during the experiment (in Kelvins) if the ‘temperature’ sample log is missing or needs to be overriden. |
Algorithm creates a workspace with detector sensitivity correction coefficients using the given Vanadium workspace. The correction coefficients are calculated as follows.
Calculate the Debye-Waller factor according to Sears and Shelley Acta Cryst. A 47, 441 (1991):
where if
, otherwise
where is the ratio of the temperature during the experiment
to the Debye temperature
is the Vanadium atomic mass (in kg) and
is the polar angle of the i-th detector. By default, the temperature is read from the ‘temperature’ entry in the sample logs. If the entry is missing, or incorrect, the Temperature input property can be used instead.
If the input Temperature is not specified or the sample log ‘temperature’ is not present in the given Vanadium workspace, or is set to an invalid value, T=293K will be taken for the Debye-Waller factor calculation. The algorithm will produce a warning in this case.
Load the peak centre and sigma from the EPPTable. These values are used to calculate sum as
where is the peak centre position and
is the coresponding to
value for i-th detector.
Finally, the correction coefficients are calculated as
Workspace containing these correction coefficients is created as an output and can be used as a RHS workspace in Divide v1 to apply correction to the LHS workspace.
The valid input workspace:
Restrictions for EPPTable:
The input EPPTable can be produced using the FindEPP v2 algorithm.
To run these usage examples please first download the usage data, and add these to your path. In MantidPlot this is done using Manage User Directories.
# load Vanadium data
wsVana = LoadMLZ(Filename='TOFTOFTestdata.nxs')
# find elastic peak positions
epptable = FindEPP(wsVana)
# calculate correction coefficients
wsCoefs = ComputeCalibrationCoefVan(wsVana, epptable)
print('Spectrum 4 of the output workspace is filled with: {}'.format(round(wsCoefs.readY(999)[0])))
# wsCoefs can be used as rhs with Divide algorithm to apply correction to the data
wsCorr = wsVana/wsCoefs
print('Spectrum 4 of the input workspace is filled with: {}'.format(round(wsVana.readY(999)[0], 1)))
print('Spectrum 4 of the corrected workspace is filled with: {}'.format(round(wsCorr.readY(999)[0], 5)))
Spectrum 4 of the output workspace is filled with: 6895.0
Spectrum 4 of the input workspace is filled with: 1.0
Spectrum 4 of the corrected workspace is filled with: 0.00015
Categories: Algorithms | CorrectionFunctions\EfficiencyCorrections
Python: (last modified: 2017-09-15)