Table of Contents
Name | Direction | Type | Default | Description |
RunNumbers | Input | int list | 0 | Run numbers |
OutputWorkspace | Output | Workspace | Mandatory | |
Directory | Input | string |
Conjoin two workspaces, which are file based. Uses ConjoinWorkspaces v1 to do the heavy-lifting.
The files are expected to be in a GSAS format, loadable by LoadGSS, with a .gsa or .txt extension.
The filename is expected to be of the format: [instrument]_[run_no].[extension]
ConjoinFiles Example
import os
#Create an absolute path by joining the proposed filename to a directory
#os.path.expanduser("~") used in this case returns the home directory of the current user
savePath = os.path.expanduser("~")
ws1Path = os.path.join(savePath, ConfigService.getInstrument().shortName() + "_1234.gsa")
ws2Path = os.path.join(savePath, ConfigService.getInstrument().shortName() + "_4567.gsa")
ws1 = CreateSampleWorkspace(WorkspaceType="Histogram", NumBanks=2, BankPixelWidth=1, BinWidth=10, Xmax=50)
print("Number of spectra in first workspace {}".format(ws1.getNumberHistograms()))
SaveGSS(ws1, ws1Path, SplitFiles=False, Append=False)
ws2 = CreateSampleWorkspace(WorkspaceType="Histogram", NumBanks=3, BankPixelWidth=1, BinWidth=10, Xmax=50)
print("Number of spectra in second workspace {}".format(ws2.getNumberHistograms()))
SaveGSS(ws2,ws2Path, SplitFiles=False, Append=False)
wsOutput = ConjoinFiles(RunNumbers=[1234,4567], Directory= savePath)
print("Number of spectra after ConjoinWorkspaces {}".format(wsOutput.getNumberHistograms()))
Number of spectra in first workspace 2
Number of spectra in second workspace 3
Number of spectra after ConjoinWorkspaces 5
Categories: Algorithms | DataHandling\Text
Python: (last modified: 2017-09-06)