ConvertSnsRoiFileToMask v1


ConvertSnsRoiFileToMask dialog.


This algorithm reads in an old SNS reduction ROI file and converts it into a Mantid mask workspace.


Name Direction Type Default Description
SnsRoiFile Input string Mandatory SNS reduction ROI file to load. Allowed extensions: [‘.dat’, ‘.txt’]
Instrument Input string Mandatory One of the supported instruments. Allowed values: [‘ARCS’, ‘BASIS’, ‘CNCS’, ‘SEQUOIA’]
OutputFilePrefix Input string   Overrides the default filename for the output file (Optional). Default is <inst_name>_Mask.
OutputDirectory Input string Mandatory Directory to save mask file. Default is current Mantid save directory.


This algorithm reads in an old SNS reduction ROI file and converts it into a Mantid mask workspace. It will save that mask to a Mantid mask file.

The file format of the ROI file looks like:




To run these usage examples please first download the usage data, and add these to your path. In MantidPlot this is done using Manage User Directories.

# Run converter
inst_name = "CNCS"
ConvertSnsRoiFileToMask("cncs_roi.txt", inst_name, ".")

# To test, load data and mask
ws = Load("CNCS_7860_event.nxs")
mask_file = inst_name + "_Mask.xml"
mask = LoadMask(inst_name, mask_file)
MaskDetectors(ws, MaskedWorkspace=mask)

# Check to see that only first 2 pixels are not masked
print("Is detector 0 masked: {}".format(ws.getDetector(0).isMasked()))
print("Is detector 1 masked: {}".format(ws.getDetector(1).isMasked()))
print("Is detector 2 masked: {}".format(ws.getDetector(2).isMasked()))


Is detector 0 masked: False
Is detector 1 masked: False
Is detector 2 masked: True

Categories: Algorithms | Inelastic\Utility


Python: (last modified: 2017-09-06)