DeltaPDF3D v1


DeltaPDF3D dialog.


Calculates the 3D-deltaPDF from a HKL workspace


Name Direction Type Default Description
InputWorkspace Input IMDHistoWorkspace Mandatory Input Workspace with HKL dimensions centered on zero.
IntermediateWorkspace Output Workspace   The resulting workspace after reflection removal and filters applied. What is the input of the FFT.
OutputWorkspace Output Workspace Mandatory Output Workspace
RemoveReflections Input boolean True Remove HKL reflections
Shape Input string sphere Shape to cut out reflections. Allowed values: [‘sphere’, ‘cube’]
Size Input dbl list 0.2 Width of cube/diameter of sphere used to remove reflections, in (HKL) (one or three values)
SpaceGroup Input string   Space group for reflection removal, either full name or number. If empty all HKL’s will be removed.
CropSphere Input boolean False Limit min/max q values. Can help with edge effects.
SphereMin Input dbl list Optional HKL values below which will be removed (one or three values)
SphereMax Input dbl list Optional HKL values above which will be removed (one or three values)
FillValue Input number Optional Value to replace with outside sphere
Convolution Input boolean True Apply convolution to fill in removed reflections
ConvolutionWidth Input number 2 Width of gaussian convolution in pixels
Deconvolution Input boolean False Apply deconvolution after fourier transform


Calculates the 3D-ΔPDF [1] from a HKL MDHistoWorkspace. This algorithm utilizes the punch-and-fill method [2].

This algorithm is still in development and features may be added, removed or changed. The scale of the resulting 3D-ΔPDF is, as yet, not scaled correctly, so while the magnitude is not correct the sign should be.

The input workspace must be a MDHistoWorkspace with dimensions ‘[H,0,0]’, ‘[0,K,0]’ and ‘[0,0,L]’, The dimensions must be centered on zero.

The convolution option requires astropy to be installed as it uses astropy.convolution. The convolution can be very slow for large workspaces, it will attempt to use astropy.convolution.convolve_fft (which is fast but only works for small workspace) but will use astropy.convolution.convolve (which is slow) if the workspace is too large.


[1]Weber, T and Simonov, A, The three-dimensional pair distribution function analysis of disordered single crystals: basic concepts. Zeitschrift für Kristallographie (2012), 227, 5, 238-247 doi: 10.1524/zkri.2012.1504
[2]Kobas, M and Weber, T and Steurer, W, Structural disorder in the decagonal Al-Co-Ni. I. Patterson analysis of diffuse x-ray scattering data. Phys. Rev. B (2005), 71, 22, 224205 doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.71.224205


The example here is MDHistoWorkspace that corresponds to negative substitutional correlation in the [100] direction. If you just run it without any alterations to the workspace the 3D-ΔPDF will be dominated by the Bragg peaks and will just be a 3D-PDF instead.

print("The value at [1,0,0] is {:.4f}".format(mtd['fft'].signalAt(1866)))
print("The value at [0,1,0] is {:.4f}".format(mtd['fft'].signalAt(2226)))
The value at [1,0,0] is 3456.5690
The value at [0,1,0] is 4903.7113

The results 3D-ΔPDF workspace looks like

Starting workspace Resulting 3D-PDF
int1 fft1

Removing Reflections

To get a Δ-PDF you need to remove the Bragg peaks. If we now remove the reflections you will see that negative value at [±1,0,0].

The IntermediateWorkspace shows the changes to the input workspace.

print("The value at [1,0,0] is {:.4f}".format(mtd['fft2'].signalAt(1866)))
print("The value at [0,1,0] is {:.4f}".format(mtd['fft2'].signalAt(2226)))
The value at [1,0,0] is -738.9594
The value at [0,1,0] is 769.0027
Intermediate workspace after reflections removed Resulting 3D-ΔPDF
int2 fft2

Removing Reflections and crop to sphere

print("The value at [1,0,0] is {:.4f}".format(mtd['fft3'].signalAt(1866)))
print("The value at [0,1,0] is {:.4f}".format(mtd['fft3'].signalAt(2226)))
The value at [1,0,0] is -477.1737
The value at [0,1,0] is 501.0818
Intermediate workspace after reflections removed and crop to sphere Resulting 3D-ΔPDF
int3 fft3

Removing Reflections and crop to sphere with fill value The fill value should be about the background level

print("The value at [1,0,0] is {:.4f}".format(mtd['fft3'].signalAt(1866)))
print("The value at [0,1,0] is {:.4f}".format(mtd['fft3'].signalAt(2226)))
The value at [1,0,0] is -477.1737
The value at [0,1,0] is 501.0818
Intermediate workspace after reflections removed and crop to sphere Resulting 3D-ΔPDF
int3_2 fft3_2

Applying convolution

print("The value at [1,0,0] is {:.4f}".format(mtd['fft4'].signalAt(1866)))
print("The value at [0,1,0] is {:.4f}".format(mtd['fft4'].signalAt(2226)))
The value at [1,0,0] is -47.1984
The value at [0,1,0] is 44.3406
Intermediate workspace after convolution is applied Resulting 3D-ΔPDF
int4 fft4

Applying convolution and deconvolution

print("The value at [1,0,0] is {:.4f}".format(mtd['fft5'].signalAt(1866)))
print("The value at [0,1,0] is {:.4f}".format(mtd['fft5'].signalAt(2226)))
The value at [1,0,0] is -95.0768
The value at [0,1,0] is 99.3535
The deconvolution array, workspace signal is divided by this Resulting 3D-ΔPDF
deconv fft5

Categories: Algorithms | Diffraction\Utility


Python: (last modified: 2017-05-19)