Table of Contents
Name | Direction | Type | Default | Description |
InputWorkspace | Input | MatrixWorkspace | Mandatory | |
OutputWorkspace | Output | MatrixWorkspace | Mandatory | |
SampleAttenuationXSection | Input | number | Optional | The ABSORPTION cross-section for the sample material in barns if not set with SetSampleMaterial |
SampleScatteringXSection | Input | number | Optional | The scattering cross-section (coherent + incoherent) for the sample material in barns if not set with SetSampleMaterial |
SampleNumberDensity | Input | number | Optional | The number density of the sample in number of atoms per cubic angstrom if not set with SetSampleMaterial |
Thickness | Input | string | 0.2 | Allowed values: [‘0.2’, ‘0.5’, ‘1.0’, ‘1.5’] |
NumberOfWavelengthPoints | Input | number | Optional | The number of wavelength points for which the numerical integral is calculated (default: all points) |
ExpMethod | Input | string | Normal | Select the method to use to calculate exponentials, normal or a fast approximation (default: Normal). Allowed values: [‘Normal’, ‘FastApprox’] |
ElementSize | Input | number | 1 | The size of one side of an integration element cube in mm |
This algorithm is a refinement of the FlatPlateAbsorption v1 algorithm for the specific case of an HRPD ‘slab can’ sample holder. It uses the aforementioned generic algorithm to calculate the correction due to the sample itself, using numerical integration. This is done using the standard height x width dimensions of an HRPD sample holder of 23 x 18 mm. Valid values of the thickness are 2,5,10 & 15 mm, although this is not currently enforced.
Further corrections are then carried out to account for the 0.125mm
Vanadium windows at the front and rear of the sample, and for the
aluminium of the holder itself (which is traversed by neutrons en route
to the 90 degree bank). This is carried out using an analytical
approximation for a flat plate, the correction factor being calculated
is the wavelength,
the angle
between the detector and the normal to the plate and the other symbols
are as given in the property list above. The assumption is that the
neutron enters the plate along the normal.
The input workspace must have units of wavelength. The instrument associated with the workspace must be fully defined because detector, source & sample position are needed.
The FlatPlateAbsorption v1 algorithm is used to calculate the correction due to the sample itself.
ws = CreateSampleWorkspace("Histogram",NumBanks=1,BankPixelWidth=1)
ws = ConvertUnits(ws,"Wavelength")
ws = Rebin(ws,Params=[1])
wsOut = HRPDSlabCanAbsorption (ws,Thickness='0.2',ElementSize=3)
print('The created workspace has one entry for each spectra: {:d}'.format(wsOut.getNumberHistograms()))
The created workspace has one entry for each spectra: 1
Categories: Algorithms | CorrectionFunctions\AbsorptionCorrections
C++ source: HRPDSlabCanAbsorption.cpp (last modified: 2017-11-29)
C++ header: HRPDSlabCanAbsorption.h (last modified: 2016-06-07)