Table of Contents
Name | Direction | Type | Default | Description |
ReducedWorkspaces | Input | str list | List of workspace names of reduced reflectivity parts to be put together | |
SpecularCutoff | Input | number | 0.01 | Q-value under which we should below the specular ridge |
ScaleToUnity | Input | boolean | True | If true, the reflectivity under the Q given cutoff will be scaled to 1 |
ScalingWavelengthCutoff | Input | number | 10 | Wavelength above which the scaling factors are assumed to be one |
OutputBinning | Input | dbl list | 0.005,-0.01,1 | |
DQConstant | Input | number | 0.0004 | Constant factor for the resolution dQ = dQ0 + Q dQ/Q |
DQSlope | Input | number | 0.025 | Slope for the resolution dQ = dQ0 + Q dQ/Q |
OutputFilename | Input | string | Mandatory | Name of the reflectivity file output. Allowed values: [‘txt’] |
MetaData | Input | string | Additional meta-data to add to the top of the output file |
Produces a single reflectivity curve from multiple reflectivity ranges. The algorithm can scale the specular plateau to unity. It will also write out the Q resolution.
Categories: Algorithms | Reflectometry\SNS
Python: (last modified: 2017-09-06)