Table of Contents
Name | Direction | Type | Default | Description |
InputWorkspace | Input | MatrixWorkspace | Mandatory | Input Workspace to mask bins. |
OutputWorkspace | Output | MatrixWorkspace | Mandatory | Output Workspace with bins masked. |
MaskingInformation | Input | TableWorkspace | Mandatory | Input TableWorkspace containing parameters, XMin and XMax and either SpectraList or DetectorIDsList |
Masks bins in a workspace. The user specified masking parameters, such as spectra, xmin and xmax are given via a TableWorkspace.
It calls algorithm MaskBins underneath. If DetectorIDsList column exists it will convert this list to a list of spectra before calling MaskBins.
The table may have several rows, in which case it calls Maskbins for each row.
Masking of a small workspace
# Create workspace with 10 bins of width 10
ws = CreateSampleWorkspace(BankPixelWidth=1, Xmax=100, BinWidth=10)
# Create table workspace with masking information in it
mask_info = CreateEmptyTableWorkspace()
mask_info.addColumn("str", "SpectraList")
mask_info.addColumn("double", "XMin")
mask_info.addColumn("double", "XMax")
mask_info.addRow(["", 16.0, 32.0]) # 1st mask: SpectraList=ALL, Xmin=16, XMax=32
mask_info.addRow(["", 71.5, 79.0]) # 2nd mask: SpectraList=ALL, Xmin=71.5, XMax=79
# Mask a range of X-values
wsMasked = MaskBinsFromTable(ws,MaskingInformation=mask_info)
# Show Y values in workspaces
print("Before masking: {}".format(ws.readY(0)))
print("After masking: {}".format(wsMasked.readY(0)))
Before masking: [ 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 10.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3]
After masking: [ 0.3 0. 0. 0. 0.3 10.3 0.3 0. 0.3 0.3]
C++ source: MaskBinsFromTable.cpp (last modified: 2017-04-23)
C++ header: MaskBinsFromTable.h (last modified: 2016-06-13)