Table of Contents
Name | Direction | Type | Default | Description |
ClearExistingMasks | Input | boolean | True | Clears any existing masks before applying the provided masking. |
Workspace | InOut | IMDWorkspace | Mandatory | An input/output workspace. |
Dimensions | Input | str list | Mandatory | Dimension ids/names all comma separated. According to the dimensionality of the workspace, these names will be grouped, so the number of entries must be n*(number of dimensions in the workspace). |
Extents | Input | dbl list | Mandatory | Extents {min, max} corresponding to each of the dimensions specified, according to the order those identifies have been specified. |
This algorithm masks a MDWorkspace in-situ.
This algorithm will first clear-out any existing masking and then apply the new masking, unless ClearExistingMasks is set to false. Note that masking removes data; clearing existing masks only removes the mask flag from boxes/bins. For MDEventWorkspaces masking deletes events from masked boxes. Similarly, for MDHistoWorkspaces the signal of masked bins is set to NaN.
Mask as single box region in a 3D workspace with Dimension ids X, Y, Z. Suppose that the dimensions extended from -2 to 2 in each dimension and you want to mask the central region.
Mask two box regions in a 3D workspace, where the input workspace is the same as above. Here we attempt to mask two opposite corners of the 3D workspace.
In this example, because the dimensionality is 3 and because 6 dimension ids have been provided, the algorithm treats {X,Y,Z} as one masking region and the following {X,Y,Z} as another. Likewise of the 12 extents inputs provided; the first 6 entries {-2,-1,-2,-1,-2,-1} are min/max values for the first {X,Y,Z} and the latter 6 {+1,+2,+1,+2,+1,+2} relate to the last {X,Y,Z}. Applying this masking will result in two completely separate areas masked in a single call to the algorithm.
Categories: Algorithms | MDAlgorithms\Transforms
C++ source: MaskMD.cpp (last modified: 2016-11-08)
C++ header: MaskMD.h (last modified: 2016-06-14)