Table of Contents
Name | Direction | Type | Default | Description |
InputWorkspace | Input | MatrixWorkspace | Name of data workspace containing the diffraction pattern in .prf file. | |
WorkspaceIndex | Input | number | 0 | Spectrum (workspace index starting from 0) of the data to refine against in input workspace. |
SeqControlInfoWorkspace | InOut | TableWorkspace | Name of table workspace containing sequential refinement information. | |
InputProfileWorkspace | Input | TableWorkspace | Name of table workspace containing starting profile parameters. | |
InputBraggPeaksWorkspace | Input | TableWorkspace | Name of table workspace containing a list of reflections. | |
InputBackgroundParameterWorkspace | Input | TableWorkspace | Name of table workspace containing a list of reflections. | |
StartX | Input | number | 0 | Start X (TOF) to refine diffraction pattern. |
EndX | Input | number | 0 | End X (TOF) to refine diffraction pattern. |
FunctionOption | Input | string | Refine | Options of functionality. Allowed values: [‘Setup’, ‘Refine’, ‘Save’, ‘Load’] |
RefinementOption | Input | string | Random Walk | Options of algorithm to refine. Allowed values: [‘Random Walk’] |
ParametersToRefine | Input | str list | List of parameters to refine. | |
NumRefineCycles | Input | number | 1 | Number of refinement cycles. |
ProfileType | Input | string | Type of peak profile function. Allowed values: [‘’, ‘Neutron Back-to-back exponential convoluted with pseudo-voigt’, ‘Thermal neutron Back-to-back exponential convoluted with pseudo-voigt’] | |
BackgroundType | Input | string | Type of background function. Allowed values: [‘’, ‘Polynomial’, ‘Chebyshev’, ‘FullprofPolynomial’] | |
FromStep | Input | number | -1 | If non-negative, the previous code is not set from last step, but the step specified. |
OutputProjectFilename | Input | string | Name of sequential project file. Allowed extensions: [‘.nxs’] | |
InputProjectFilename | Input | string | Name of sequential project file. Allowed extensions: [‘.nxs’] | |
ProjectID | Input | string | Project ID. |
The purpose of this algorithm is to provide users a tool to control the workflow to refine powder diffractometer’s peak profile. For Time-Of-Flight powder diffractometers in SNS, back-to-back exponential convoluted with pseudo-voigt profile functions are used. The function is complicated with strong correlated parameters. Thus, the refinement on these parameters contains multiple steps, within each of which only a subset of profile parameters are refined.
In order to control the workflow, there are four major functions supported by this algorithm
``Setup`` : set up a few workspaces that will be used to refine profile parameters in multiple steps;
``Refine`` : select a subset of peak parameters and do Le Bail fit on them;
``Save`` : save the current refinement status and refinement history to a project file;
``Load`` : set up a few workspaces used for refining by loading them from a previously created project file.
* InputWorkspace : data workspace containing the diffraction pattern to refine profile parameters with;
* SeqControlInfoWorkspace : table workspace used to track refinement; Below is the introduction on the fields/columns of this workspace.
* "Step" : refinement step. User can start a refinement from the result of any previous
* "OutProfile" : name of the table workspace containing refined profile parameters;
* "OutReflection": name of the table workspace containing Bragg peaks' peak parameters calculated from refined parameters' value;
* "OutBackgroud": name of the table workspace containing the output background parameters' value;
* "OutBckgroundParam": name of the output background parameters;
* "Refine": profile parameters that are refined in this step;
* "RwpOut": output Rwp from refinement;
* "LastStep": last step where this step is based on;
* "RwpIn": input Rwp
* "InProfile": input profile parameter workspace's name;
* "InReflection": input Bragg peak parameters workspace' name;
* "InBackgroud": input background workspace;
* "InBckgroundParam": input background parameters.
* InputProfileWorkspace : table workspace contraining starting values of profile parameters;
* InputBraggPeaksWorkspace : table workspace containing the Bragg peaks' information for Le Bail fit;
* InputBackgroundParameterWorkspace : table workspace containing the background parameters' value
* Neutron Back-to-back exponential convoluted with pseudo-voigt : Fullprof profile 9 and GSAS TOF profile 3;
* Thermal neutron Back-to-back exponential convoluted with pseudo-voigt: Fullprof profile 10 (a.k.a. Jason Hodges function).
* Polynomial
* Chebyshev
* FullprofPolynomial
This is just a brief description for how to use this algorithm.
``Refine``: refine
``Dtt1`` and
``Zero`` from step 0;
``Refine``: reifne
``Alph0`` and
``Beta0`` from step 1;
``Refine``: refine
``Alph1`` from step 1 with failure;
``Refine``: refine
``Beta1`` from step 1 because step 2 fails;
``Refine``: refine
``Sig-1`` from last step;
``Save``: save current work and history to a Nexus file.
Categories: Algorithms | Diffraction\Fitting
Python: (last modified: 2017-09-06)