ReflectometryReductionOneAuto v1


ReflectometryReductionOneAuto dialog.


Reduces a single TOF/Lambda reflectometry run into a mod Q vs I/I0 workspace. Performs transmission corrections.


Name Direction Type Default Description
InputWorkspace Input MatrixWorkspace Mandatory Input run in TOF or Lambda
RegionOfDirectBeam Input int list   Indices of the spectra a pair (lower, upper) that mark the ranges that correspond to the direct beam in multi-detector mode.
AnalysisMode Input string PointDetectorAnalysis Analysis Mode to Choose. Allowed values: [‘PointDetectorAnalysis’, ‘MultiDetectorAnalysis’]
FirstTransmissionRun Input MatrixWorkspace   First transmission run workspace in TOF or Wavelength
SecondTransmissionRun Input MatrixWorkspace   Second transmission run workspace in TOF
OutputWorkspace Output MatrixWorkspace Mandatory Output workspace in wavelength q
OutputWorkspaceWavelength Output MatrixWorkspace Mandatory Output workspace in wavelength
Params Input dbl list   A comma separated list of first bin boundary, width, last bin boundary. These parameters are used for stitching together transmission runs. Values are in wavelength (angstroms). This input is only needed if a SecondTransmission run is provided.
StartOverlap Input number Optional Overlap in Q.
EndOverlap Input number Optional End overlap in Q.
ScaleFactor Input number 1 Factor you wish to scale Q workspace by.
I0MonitorIndex Input number Optional I0 monitor workspace index. Optional.
ProcessingInstructions Input string   Grouping pattern of workspace indices to yield only the detectors of interest. See GroupDetectors for syntax.
WavelengthMin Input number Optional Wavelength Min in angstroms
WavelengthMax Input number Optional Wavelength Max in angstroms
WavelengthStep Input number Optional Wavelength step in angstroms
MomentumTransferMinimum Input number Optional Minimum Q value in IvsQ Workspace. Used for Rebinning the IvsQ Workspace
MomentumTransferStep Input number Optional Resolution value in IvsQ Workspace. Used for Rebinning the IvsQ Workspace. This value will be made minus to apply logarithmic rebinning. If you wish to have linear bin-widths then please provide a negative DQQ
MomentumTransferMaximum Input number Optional Maximum Q value in IvsQ Workspace. Used for Rebinning the IvsQ Workspace
MonitorBackgroundWavelengthMin Input number Optional Monitor wavelength background min in angstroms
MonitorBackgroundWavelengthMax Input number Optional Monitor wavelength background max in angstroms
MonitorIntegrationWavelengthMin Input number Optional Monitor integral min in angstroms
MonitorIntegrationWavelengthMax Input number Optional Monitor integral max in angstroms
DetectorComponentName Input string   Name of the detector component i.e. point-detector. If these are not specified, the algorithm will attempt lookup using a standard naming convention.
SampleComponentName Input string   Name of the sample component i.e. some-surface-holder. If these are not specified, the algorithm will attempt lookup using a standard naming convention.
ThetaIn Input number Optional Final theta in degrees
ThetaOut Output number   Calculated final theta in degrees.
NormalizeByIntegratedMonitors Input boolean True Normalize by dividing by the integrated monitors.
CorrectDetectorPositions Input boolean True Correct detector positions using ThetaIn (if given)
StrictSpectrumChecking Input boolean True Strict checking between spectrum numbers in input workspaces and transmission workspaces.
CorrectionAlgorithm Input string AutoDetect The type of correction to perform. Allowed values: [‘None’, ‘AutoDetect’, ‘PolynomialCorrection’, ‘ExponentialCorrection’]
Polynomial Input dbl list   Coefficients to be passed to the PolynomialCorrection algorithm.
C0 Input number 0 C0 value to be passed to the ExponentialCorrection algorithm.
C1 Input number 0 C1 value to be passed to the ExponentialCorrection algorithm.
PolarizationAnalysis Input string None What Polarization mode will be used? None: No correction PNR: Polarized Neutron Reflectivity mode PA: Full Polarization Analysis PNR-PA. Allowed values: [‘None’, ‘PA’, ‘PNR’]
CPp Input dbl list   Effective polarizing power of the polarizing system. Expressed as a ratio 0 < Pp < 1
CAp Input dbl list   Effective polarizing power of the analyzing system. Expressed as a ratio 0 < Ap < 1
CRho Input dbl list   Ratio of efficiencies of polarizer spin-down to polarizer spin-up. This is characteristic of the polarizer flipper. Values are constants for each term in a polynomial expression.
CAlpha Input dbl list   Ratio of efficiencies of analyzer spin-down to analyzer spin-up. This is characteristic of the analyzer flipper. Values are factors for each term in a polynomial expression.


Facade over ReflectometryReductionOne v2.

Pulls numeric parameters out of the instrument parameters where possible. You can override any of these automatically applied defaults by providing your own value for the input.

See ReflectometryReductionOne v2 for more information on the wrapped algorithm.


If ProcessingInstructions is not set its value is inferred from other properties:

  • If AnalysisMode = PointDetectorAnalaysis and PointDetectorStart = PointDetectorStop then the spectrum specified by PointDetectorStart is used.
  • If AnalysisMode = PointDetectorAnalaysis and PointDetectorStart ≠ PointDetectorStop then the sum of the spectra from PointDetectorStart to PointDetectorStop is used.
  • If AnalysisMode = MultiDetectorAnalaysis then all of the spectra from MultiDetectorStart onwards are used.

Note, the ProcessingInstructions are workspace indicies, not detector IDs. The first few workspaces may correspond to monitors, rather than detectors of interest. For the syntax of this property, see GroupDetectors v2.

Workflow for WorkspaceGroups

If a WorkspaceGroup is provided to ReflectometryReductionOneAuto, it will follow the steps shown in the diagram below to produce its output.


Workflow for Polarization Correction

If polarization correction is enabled, it is performed as an additional step once the main processing has completed. The following diagram shows how the PolarizationCorrection v1 algorithm is used.


Polynomial Correction

If no Transmission runs are provided, then polynomial correction can be performed instead. Polynomial correction is enabled by setting the CorrectionAlgorithm property.

If set to AutoDetect, it looks at the instrument parameters for the correction parameter. If it is set to polynomial, then polynomial correction is performed using the PolynomialCorrection v1 algorithm, with the polynomial string taken from the instrument’s polynomial parameter. If the correction parameter is set to exponential instead, then the ExponentialCorrection v1 algorithm is used, with C0 and C1 taken from the instrument parameters, C0 and C1.

These can be specified manually by setting the CorrectionAlgorithm, Polynomial, C0, and C1 properties accordingly.


Example - Reduce a Run

run = Load(Filename='INTER00013460.nxs')
# Basic reduction with no transmission run
IvsQ, IvsLam, thetaOut = ReflectometryReductionOneAuto(InputWorkspace=run, ThetaIn=0.7, Version=1)

print("The first four IvsLam Y values are: [ {:.4e}, {:.4e}, {:.4e}, {:.4e} ]".format(
       IvsLam.readY(0)[0], IvsLam.readY(0)[1], IvsLam.readY(0)[2], IvsLam.readY(0)[3]))
print("The first four IvsQ Y values are: [ {:.4e}, {:.4e}, {:.4e}, {:.4e} ]".format(
       IvsQ.readY(0)[0], IvsQ.readY(0)[1], IvsQ.readY(0)[2], IvsQ.readY(0)[3]))
print("Theta out is the same as theta in: {}".format(thetaOut))


The first four IvsLam Y values are: [ 5.3860e-06, 9.3330e-06, 6.9796e-06, 6.5687e-06 ]
The first four IvsQ Y values are: [ 1.3648e-03, 1.9490e-03, 2.7277e-03, 4.0995e-03 ]
Theta out is the same as theta in: 0.7

Example - Reduce a Run with a transmission run

run = Load(Filename='INTER00013460.nxs')
trans = Load(Filename='INTER00013463.nxs')
# Basic reduction with a transmission run
IvsQ, IvsLam, thetaOut = ReflectometryReductionOneAuto(InputWorkspace=run, FirstTransmissionRun=trans, ThetaIn=0.7, Version=1)

print("The first four IvsLam Y values are: [ {:.4e}, {:.4e}, {:.4e}, {:.4e} ]".format(
       IvsLam.readY(0)[0], IvsLam.readY(0)[1], IvsLam.readY(0)[2], IvsLam.readY(0)[3]))
print("The first four IvsQ Y values are: [ {:.4e}, {:.4e}, {:.4e}, {:.4e} ]".format(
       IvsQ.readY(0)[0], IvsQ.readY(0)[1], IvsQ.readY(0)[2], IvsQ.readY(0)[3]))
print("Theta out is the same as theta in: {}".format(thetaOut))


The first four IvsLam Y values are: [ 3.2705e-05, 5.5450e-05, 3.9630e-05, 3.5770e-05 ]
The first four IvsQ Y values are: [ 9.3930e-01, 1.3251e+00, 1.2766e+00, 1.1977e+00 ]
Theta out is the same as theta in: 0.7

Example - Reduce a Run overloading default parameters

run = Load(Filename='INTER00013460.nxs')
# Reduction overriding the default values for MonitorBackgroundWavelengthMin and MonitorBackgroundWavelengthMax which would otherwise be retirieved from the workspace
IvsQ, IvsLam, thetaOut = ReflectometryReductionOneAuto(InputWorkspace=run, ThetaIn=0.7, MonitorBackgroundWavelengthMin=0.0, MonitorBackgroundWavelengthMax=1.0, Version=1)

print("The first four IvsLam Y values are: [ {:.4e}, {:.4e}, {:.4e}, {:.4e} ]".format(
       IvsLam.readY(0)[0], IvsLam.readY(0)[1], IvsLam.readY(0)[2], IvsLam.readY(0)[3]))
print("The first four IvsQ Y values are: [ {:.4e}, {:.4e}, {:.4e}, {:.4e} ]".format(
       IvsQ.readY(0)[0], IvsQ.readY(0)[1], IvsQ.readY(0)[2], IvsQ.readY(0)[3]))
print("Theta out is the same as theta in: {}".format(thetaOut))


The first four IvsLam Y values are: [ 5.3868e-06, 9.3344e-06, 6.9807e-06, 6.5696e-06 ]
The first four IvsQ Y values are: [ 1.3650e-03, 1.9493e-03, 2.7281e-03, 4.1001e-03 ]
Theta out is the same as theta in: 0.7

Example - Polynomial correction

run = Load(Filename='INTER00013460.nxs')
# Set up some paramters, allowing the algorithm to automatically detect the correction to use
SetInstrumentParameter(run, "correction", Value="polynomial")
SetInstrumentParameter(run, "polynomial", Value="0,0.5,1,2,3")

IvsQ, IvsLam, thetaOut = ReflectometryReductionOneAuto(InputWorkspace=run, ThetaIn=0.7, Version=1)

def findByName(histories, name):
    return next(x for x in histories if == name)

# Find the PolynomialCorrection entry in the workspace's history
algHist = IvsLam.getHistory()
refRedOneAutoHist = findByName(algHist.getAlgorithmHistories(), "ReflectometryReductionOneAuto")
refRedOneHist = findByName(refRedOneAutoHist.getChildHistories(), "ReflectometryReductionOne")
polyCorHist = findByName(refRedOneHist.getChildHistories(), "PolynomialCorrection")

coefProp = findByName(polyCorHist.getProperties(), "Coefficients")

print("Coefficients: '{}'".format(coefProp.value()))


Coefficients: '0,0.5,1,2,3'

Categories: Algorithms | Reflectometry\ISIS


C++ source: ReflectometryReductionOneAuto.cpp (last modified: 2017-09-13)

C++ header: ReflectometryReductionOneAuto.h (last modified: 2016-10-26)