RetrieveRunInfo v1


RetrieveRunInfo dialog.


Given a range of run numbers and an output workspace name, will compile a table of info for each run of the instrument you have set as default.


Name Direction Type Default Description
Runs Input string Mandatory The range of runs to retrieve the run info for. E.g. “100-105”.
OutputWorkspace Output TableWorkspace Mandatory The name of the TableWorkspace that will be created. ‘’‘You must specify a name that does not already exist.’‘’


Strips the log property values of “inst_abrv”, “run_number”, “user_name”, “run_title” and “hd_dur” from the specified run files, and compiles a TableWorkspace of the result.

Uses multiple calls to CreateLogPropertyTable v1 create the final result table.

Output workspace generated by inspecting runs 12218-12229 and having the default instrument set to TOSCA.

Output workspace generated by inspecting runs 12218-12229 and having the default instrument set to TOSCA.


Currently, only ISIS instruments with runs that have the full list of log properties are supported. CreateLogPropertyTable v1 is available to those users who wish to “brew their own” version of this algorithm.


Example - Creating an Information Table For a Single Run


To run these usage examples please first download the usage data, and add these to your path. In MantidPlot this is done using Manage User Directories.

# The algorithm takes note of your default facililty/instrument.
# You can change these settings in the interface, or change them
# programmatically as follows:
config['default.instrument'] = 'IRIS'
config["default.facility"] = "ISIS"

# Get the information for IRIS runs 21360 and 26173.
info_table = RetrieveRunInfo(Runs="IRS21360,IRS26173")

print("The table contains information about {} runs.".format(info_table.rowCount()))
print("The first has run number {}.".format(info_table.cell("run_number", 0)))
print("The second has run number {}.".format(info_table.cell("run_number", 1)))
print("The title of the second run is \"{}.\"".format(info_table.cell("run_title", 1).strip()))


The table contains information about 2 runs.
The first has run number 21360.
The second has run number 26173.
The title of the second run is "Vanadium cylinder standard   PG002."

Categories: Algorithms | DataHandling\Catalog


Python: (last modified: 2017-09-06)