Table of Contents
Name | Direction | Type | Default | Description |
SANSState | Input | Dictionary | A property manager which fulfills the SANSState contract. | |
Workspace | InOut | MatrixWorkspace | Mandatory | The sample scatter workspace. This workspace does not contain monitors. |
MoveType | Input | string | ElementaryDisplacement | The type of movement. This can be: 1) InitialMove for freshly workspaces, 2) ElementaryDisplacement of the instrument component, 3) SetToZero resets a component to the initial position. Allowed values: [‘InitialMove’, ‘ElementaryDisplacement’, ‘SetToZero’] |
BeamCoordinates | Input | dbl list | The coordinates which are used to position the instrument component(s). If nothing is specified, then the coordinates from SANSState are used | |
Component | Input | string | Component that should be moved. | |
IsTransmissionWorkspace | Input | boolean | False | If the input workspace is a transmission or direct workspace |
This algorithm moves a SANS workspace according to the settings in the state object. Additionally the user can specify the beam centre. Note that if the beam centre is also specified in the state object, then the manual selection takes precedence. The way we perform a move is highly-instrument and in fact data-dependent. Currently the move mechanism is implemented for SANS2D, LOQ and LARMOR.
The required information for the move operation is retrieved from a state object. It contains information which is specific to each instrument and to the specific IDF.
Common elements of the move state object are:
Entry | Type | Description | Mandatory | Default value |
sample_offset | Float | The offset of the sample in m | No | 0.0 |
sample_offset_direction | CanonicalCoordinates enum | The direction of the sample offset | No | CanonicalCoordinates.Z |
detectors | Dict | Dictionary of detectors. | auto setup | auto setup |
monitor_names | Dict | A dictionary with monitor index vs monitor name | auto setup | auto setup |
The detectors dictionary above maps to a state object for the individual detectors:
Entry | Type | Description | Mandatory | Default value |
x_translation_correction | Float | X translation for the detector in m | No | 0.0 |
y_translation_correction | Float | Y translation for the detector in m | No | 0.0 |
z_translation_correction | Float | X translation for the detector in m | No | 0.0 |
rotation_correction | Float | Rotation correction for the detector in degrees | No | 0.0 |
side_correction | Float | Side correction for the detector in m | No | 0.0 |
radius_correction | Float | Radius correction for the detector in m | No | 0.0 |
x_tilt_correction | Float | X tilt correction for the detector in degrees | No | 0.0 |
y_tilt_correction | Float | Y tilt correction for the detector in degrees | No | 0.0 |
z_tilt_correction | Float | Z tilt correction for the detector in degrees | No | 0.0 |
sample_centre_pos1 | Float | Position 1 of the beam centre in m or degree, depending on the setting | No | 0.0 |
sample_centre_pos2 | Float | Position 2 of the beam centre in m | No | 0.0 |
detector_name | String | Detector name | auto setup | auto setup |
detector_name_short | String | Short detector name | auto setup | auto setup |
The individual instruments have additional settings.
For LOQ:
Entry | Type | Description | Mandatory | Default value |
center_position | Float | The centre position | No | 317.5 / 1000. |
Entry | Type | Description | Mandatory | Default value |
hab_detector_radius | Float | Radius for the front detector in m | auto setup | 306.0 / 1000. |
hab_detector_default_sd_m | Float | Default sd for front detector in m | auto setup | |
hab_detector_default_x_m | Float | Default x for the front detector in m | auto setup | 1.1 |
lab_detector_default_sd_m | Float | Default sd for the rear detector in m | auto setup | |
hab_detector_x | Float | X for the front detector in m | auto setup | |
hab_detector_z | Float | Z for the front detector in m | auto setup | |
hab_detector_rotation | Float | Rotation for the front detector | auto setup | |
lab_detector_x | Float | X for the rear detector in m | auto setup | |
lab_detector_z | Float | Z for the rear detector in m | auto setup | |
monitor_4_offset | Float | Offset for monitor 4 | No |
Entry | Type | Description | Mandatory | Default value |
bench_rotation | Float | The angle for the bench rotation | No |
Note that these settings should be only populated via the GUI or the Python Interface of ISIS SANS.
The InitialMove setting is relevant when loading data before a reduction. It will apply all corrections which are specified in the state object.
The ElementaryDisplacement will perform a relative translation/rotation according to the specified beam centre value.
The SetToZero places the component into the default position.
The beam centre for a reduction is normally specified in the state object, but it can also be specified in manually here. If the beam centre is specified explicitly, then it is being used instead of the setting in the state object.
Categories: Algorithms | SANS\Move
Python: (last modified: 2017-12-21)