Table of Contents
Name | Direction | Type | Default | Description |
InputWorkspace | Input | MatrixWorkspace | Mandatory | The name of the workspace containing the data you want to save. |
Filename | Input | string | Mandatory | The filename of the output file. Allowed extensions: [‘.mft’] |
LogList | Input | str list | List of logs to write to file. | |
UserContact | Input | string | Text to be written to the User-local contact field | |
Title | Input | string | Text to be written to the Title field | |
Separator | Input | string | tab | The separator used for splitting data columns. Allowed values: [‘comma’, ‘space’, ‘tab’] |
SaveILLCosmosAscii is an export-only ASCII-based save format with no associated loader. It is based on a python script by Maximilian Skoda, written for the ISIS Reflectometry GUI
While Files saved with SaveILLCosmosAscii can be loaded back into Mantid using LoadAscii, the resulting workspaces won’t be useful as the data written by SaveILLCosmosAscii is not in the normal X,Y,E,DX format.
Example - Save a workspace in ILL Cosmos ASCII format
#import the os path libraries for directory functions
import os
# create histogram workspace
dataX1 = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9] # or use dataX1=range(0,10)
dataY1 = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8] # or use dataY1=range(0,9)
dataE1 = [1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1] # or use dataE1=[1]*9
ws1 = CreateWorkspace(dataX1, dataY1, dataE1)
#Create an absolute path by joining the proposed filename to a directory
#os.path.expanduser("~") used in this case returns the home directory of the current user
savefile = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), "ILLCosmosAsciiFile.mft")
# perform the algorithm
print("File Exists: {}".format(os.path.exists(savefile)))
File Exists: True
Categories: Algorithms | DataHandling\Text
C++ source: SaveILLCosmosAscii.cpp (last modified: 2016-11-21)
C++ header: SaveILLCosmosAscii.h (last modified: 2016-06-07)