The purpose of this document is to explain how Mantid is using information about unit cells and their orientation with respect to the laboratory frame. For a detailed description, see the UB matrix implementation notes.
The physics of a system studied by neutron scattering is described by the conservation of energy and momentum. In the laboratory frame:
Note that the left side in the above equations refer to what is happening to the lattice, not to the neutron.
Let’s assume that we have a periodic lattice, described by lattice
parameters . The reciprocal
lattice will be described by parameters
. Note that
Mantid uses
type of notation, like in
For such a lattice, the physics will be described in terms of reciprocal lattice parameters by
The matrix formalism relates
with the following equation:
The matrix transforms the
into a Cartesian system, with the first axis along
, the second in the plane defined by
, and the third axis
perpendicular to this plane. In the Busing and Levi convention (W. R.
Busing and H. A. Levy, Angle calculations for 3- and 4-circle X-ray and
neutron diffractometers - Acta Cryst. (1967). 22, 457-464):
The matrix represents the rotation from this Cartesian
coordinate frame to the Cartesian coordinate frame attached to the
innermost axis of the goniometer that holds the sample.
The matrix is the rotation matrix of the goniometer
Other useful equations:
The distance in reciprocal space to the plane
is given by
The distance in real space to the plane is
given by
The angle between and
is given by
All the functions defined for UnitCell are inherited by the
OrientedLattice objects. In addition, functions for manipulating
the and
matricies are also provided.