Muon Unscripted Testing: Group 4 (Frequency Domain Analysis)


These are unscripted tests for the Frequency Domain Analysis interface. Load “MUSR00062260” into Muon analysis and plot each of the available groups before opening Frequency Domain Analysis.

The master testing guide is located at Muon Interfaces Unscripted Testing.


Ensure that you have first run all the tests in group 2, then open the Frequency Domain Analysis GUI.

Test 1: Basic FFT

  • Set the workspace to “MUSR00062260;Group;bkwd;Asym;#1”
  • Click the calculate FFT button and a workspace should appear in the “MUSR00062260” group
  • Then plot spectrum 2 (there should be a total of 3 spectrums)
  • You will see a few sharp peaks.
  • Untick the Imaginary Data and the a row should disappear
  • Click the Calculate FFT button
  • Look at the data table and there should be 6 rows.

Test 2: Advanced FFT

  • Plot spectrum 0 of the data
  • Leave this plot open and make sure you can see it and the interface at the same time
  • Change the “Apodization Function” to “Gaussian”
  • Click the Calculate FFT button
  • The plot should change, the data will be less noisy.
  • Set the “Apodization Function” back to “None”
  • Click the Calculate FFT Button
  • Set the “Padding” to 0
  • Click the Calculate FFT Button
  • The peak should not be very clear

Test 3: PhaseQuad

  • Change the workspace to “PhaseQuad”
  • You should not be able to select the workspace for the imaginary part, but it is possible to turn the imaginary component on and off.
  • An extra row will appear labeled “axis”
  • Click the Calculate FFT button
  • A new table workspace will appear (PhaseTable) and the output added to the grouped worksapce
  • Open PhaseTable and with it open change the axis in the GUI and make sure that generate new phase table is unticked
  • Click the Calculate FFT button
  • PhaseTable should not have changed
  • Make sure that generate new phase table is ticked
  • Click the Calculate FFT button
  • PhaseTable should change

Test 4: MaxEnt

  • Change the drop-down menu at the top of the interface to “MaxEnt”
  • The interface should look different
  • Click the Calculate MaxEnt button
  • This will be slow - a warning should be provided and the button disabled
  • When it is complete a workspace should appear “FFTMuon” and the button should be enabled