CalibrateRectangularDetectors v1


CalibrateRectangularDetectors dialog.


Calibrate the detector pixels and write a calibration file


Name Direction Type Default Description
RunNumber Input list of str lists Mandatory Event file. Allowed extensions: [‘_event.nxs’, ‘.nxs.h5’]
Background Input int list 0  
XPixelSum Input number 1 Sum detector pixels in X direction. Must be a factor of X total pixels. Default is 1.
YPixelSum Input number 1 Sum detector pixels in Y direction. Must be a factor of Y total pixels. Default is 1.
SmoothSummedOffsets Input boolean False If the data was summed for calibration, smooth the resulting offsets workspace.
SmoothGroups Input string   Comma delimited number of points for smoothing pixels in each group. Default is no Smoothing.
UnwrapRef Input number 0 Reference total flight path for frame unwrapping. Zero skips the correction
LowResRef Input number 0 Reference DIFC for resolution removal. Zero skips the correction
MaxOffset Input number 1 Maximum absolute value of offsets; default is 1
CrossCorrelation Input boolean True CrossCorrelation if True; minimize using many peaks if False.
PeakPositions Input dbl list   Comma delimited d-space positions of reference peaks. Use 1-3 for Cross Correlation. Unlimited for many peaks option.
PeakWindowMax Input number 0 Maximum window around a peak to search for it. Optional.
FitwindowTableWorkspace Input TableWorkspace   Name of input table workspace containing the fit window information for each spectrum.
MinimumPeakHeight Input number 2 Minimum value allowed for peak height
MinimumPeakHeightObs Input number 0 Minimum value of a peak’s maximum observed Y value for this peak to be used to calculate offset.
DetectorResolutionWorkspace Input MatrixWorkspace   Name of optional input matrix workspace for each detector’s resolution (D(d)/d).
AllowedResRange Input dbl list 0.25,4 Range of allowed individual peak’s resolution factor to input detector’s resolution.
PeakFunction Input string Gaussian Type of peak to fit. Used only with CrossCorrelation=False. Allowed values: [‘BackToBackExponential’, ‘Gaussian’, ‘Lorentzian’]
BackgroundType Input string Flat Used only with CrossCorrelation=False. Allowed values: [‘Flat’, ‘Linear’, ‘Quadratic’]
DetectorsPeaks Input int list   Comma delimited numbers of detector banks for each peak if using 2-3 peaks for Cross Correlation. Default is all.
PeakHalfWidth Input number 0.05 Half width of d-space around peaks for Cross Correlation. Default is 0.05
CrossCorrelationPoints Input number 100 Number of points to find peak from Cross Correlation. Default is 100
Binning Input dbl list 0,0,0 Min, Step, and Max of d-space bins. Logarithmic binning is used if Step is negative.
DiffractionFocusWorkspace Input boolean False Diffraction focus by detectors. Default is False
GroupDetectorsBy Input string All Detector groups to use for future focussing: All detectors as one group, Groups (East,West for SNAP), Columns for SNAP, detector banks. Allowed values: [‘All’, ‘Group’, ‘Column’, ‘bank’]
FilterBadPulses Input boolean True Filter out events measured while proton charge is more than 5% below average
FilterByTimeMin Input number 0 Relative time to start filtering by in seconds. Applies only to sample.
FilterByTimeMax Input number 0 Relative time to stop filtering by in seconds. Applies only to sample.
SaveAs Input string calibration Allowed values: [‘dspacemap’, ‘calibration’, ‘dspacemap and calibration’]
OutputDirectory Input string Mandatory  
OutputFilename Output string    


Here are examples of input and output from PG3 and SNAP:


The purpose of this algorithm is to calibrate the detector pixels and write a calibration file. The calibration file name contains the instrument, run number, and date of calibration. A binary Dspacemap file that converts from TOF to d-space including the calculated offsets is also an output option. For CrossCorrelation option: If one peak is not in the spectra of all the detectors, you can specify the first n detectors to be calibrated with one peak and the next n detectors to be calibrated with the second peak. If a color fill plot of the calibrated workspace does not look good, do a color fill plot of the workspace that ends in cc (cross correlation) to see if the CrossCorrelationPoints and/or PeakHalfWidth should be increased or decreased. Also plot the reference spectra from the cc workspace.

Features to improve performance of peak finding

Define peak fit-window

There are two exclusive approaches to define peak’s fit-window.

  • PeakWindowMax All peaks will use this value to define their fitting range.
  • FitwindowTableWorkspace This is a table workspace by which each peak will have its individual fit window defined.

Define accepted range of peak’s width

Optional input property DetectorResolutionWorkspace is a matrix workspace containing the detector resolution \Delta(d)/d for each spectrum. Combining with property AllowedResRange, it defines the lower and upper limit for accepted fitted peak width.

Let c_l = AllowedResRange[0], c_h = AllowedResRange[1] and fwhm as the peak’s fitted width. Then,

c_l\times\frac{\Delta(d)}{d} < fwhm < c_h\times\frac{\Delta(d)}{d}

Categories: Algorithms | Diffraction\Calibration


Python: (last modified: 2018-03-07)