CatalogSearch v1


CatalogSearch dialog.


Searches all active catalogs using the provided input parameters.


Name Direction Type Default Description
InvestigationName Input string   The name of the investigation to search for.
Instrument Input string   The name of the instrument used in the investigation.
RunRange Input string   The range of runs to search for related investigations. Must be in the format 0000-0000 or 0000:0000.
StartDate Input string   The start date for the range of investigations to be searched. The format must be DD/MM/YYYY.
EndDate Input string   The end date for the range of investigations to be searched. The format must be DD/MM/YYYY.
Keywords Input string   A comma separated list of words to search for in the investigation.
InvestigationId Input string   The ID of the investigation.
InvestigatorSurname Input string   The surname of the investigator associated to the investigation.
SampleName Input string   The name of the sample used in the investigation.
DataFileName Input string   The name of the data file in the investigation.
InvestigationType Input string   The type of the investigation.
MyData Input boolean False If set to true, only search in investigations of which you are an investigator, e.g. ‘My Data’.
CountOnly Input boolean False Boolean option to perform COUNT search only. This is used for paging.
Limit Input number 100 The maximum amount of search results to return. Adds a LIMIT clause to the query. This is used for paging.
Offset Input number 0 The location to begin returning results from. This is used for paging.
Session Input string   The session information of the catalog search in.
OutputWorkspace Output TableWorkspace Mandatory The name of the workspace that will be created to store the search results.
NumberOfSearchResults Output number   The number of search results returned for the INPUT. Performs a COUNT query to determine this. This is used for paging.


This algorithm searches through the all active catalogs for investigations based on the parameters set, and saves the results into a workspace.


Example - searches for investigations in the catalog based on parameters set.

# When logging into the catalog the session class is returned.
# This can then be used throughout to perform other ICAT routines.
search_results = CatalogSearch(Instrument="ALF",limit=3)

# A tuple is returned from CatalogSearch(). The first item is the search results.
investigations = search_results[0]

print("The number of investigations returned was: {}".format(len(investigations)))

# Print the title of all returned investigations.
for investigation in investigations:
        print("The title of the investigation is: {}".format(investigation['Title']))

# Log out of the catalog, otherwise results are appended to the workspace (search_results).


The number of investigations returned was: 3

The title of the investigation is: CAL_ALF_14/02/2014 15:37:05
The title of the investigation is: CAL_ALF_18/11/2013 15:03:48
The title of the investigation is: CAL_ALF_19/11/2013 11:59:56

Example - paging results returned.

# When CountOnly is set to True a separate COUNT query is performed to see the total
# number of investigations that will be returned by this search. This is used for paging functionality.
# If CountOnly is not provided, then ALL results are returned. This can be extremely slow.
search_results = CatalogSearch(Instrument="ALF",CountOnly=True,StartDate="03/06/2012", EndDate="03/06/2014")

print("The number of search results returned was: {}".format(search_results[1]))



The number of search results returned was: 109

Categories: Algorithms | DataHandling\Catalog


C++ source: CatalogSearch.cpp (last modified: 2018-03-07)

C++ header: CatalogSearch.h (last modified: 2018-03-07)