GetDetOffsetsMultiPeaks v1


GetDetOffsetsMultiPeaks dialog.


Creates an OffsetsWorkspace containing offsets for each detector. You can then save these to a .cal file using SaveCalFile.


Name Direction Type Default Description
InputWorkspace Input MatrixWorkspace Mandatory A 2D matrix workspace with X values of d-spacing
DReference Input dbl list   Enter a comma-separated list of the expected X-position of the centre of the peaks. Only peaks near these positions will be fitted.
FitWindowMaxWidth Input number 0 Optional: The maximum width of the fitting window. If this is <=0 the window is not specified to FindPeaks
FitwindowTableWorkspace Input TableWorkspace   Name of the input Tableworkspace containing peak fit window information for each spectrum.
PeakFunction Input string Gaussian Type of peak to fit. Allowed values: [‘BackToBackExponential’, ‘Bk2BkExpConvPV’, ‘DeltaFunction’, ‘ElasticDiffRotDiscreteCircle’, ‘ElasticDiffSphere’, ‘ElasticIsoRotDiff’, ‘ExamplePeakFunction’, ‘Gaussian’, ‘IkedaCarpenterPV’, ‘Lorentzian’, ‘PseudoVoigt’, ‘Voigt’]
BackgroundType Input string Linear Type of Background. The choice can be either Linear or Quadratic. Allowed values: [‘Flat’, ‘Linear’, ‘Quadratic’]
HighBackground Input boolean True Relatively weak peak in high background
GroupingFileName Input string   Optional: The name of the output CalFile to save the generated OffsetsWorkspace. Allowed extensions: [‘.cal’]
OutputWorkspace Output OffsetsWorkspace   An output workspace containing the offsets.
NumberPeaksWorkspace Output OffsetsWorkspace   An output workspace containing the offsets.
MaskWorkspace Output MatrixWorkspace Mask An output workspace containing the mask.
MaxOffset Input number 1 Maximum absolute value of offsets; default is 1
MaxChiSq Input number 100 Maximum chisq value for individual peak fit allowed. (Default: 100)
MinimumPeakHeight Input number 2 Minimum value allowed for peak height.
MinimumPeakHeightObs Input number 0 Least value of the maximum observed Y value of a peak within specified region. If any peak’s maximum observed Y value is smaller, then this peak will not be fit. It is designed for EventWorkspace with integer counts.
Minimizer Input string Levenberg-MarquardtMD Minimizer to use for fitting peaks. Allowed values: [‘BFGS’, ‘Conjugate gradient (Fletcher-Reeves imp.)’, ‘Conjugate gradient (Polak-Ribiere imp.)’, ‘Damped GaussNewton’, ‘FABADA’, ‘Levenberg-Marquardt’, ‘Levenberg-MarquardtMD’, ‘Simplex’, ‘SteepestDescent’, ‘Trust Region’]
InputResolutionWorkspace Input MatrixWorkspace   Name of the optional input resolution (delta(d)/d) workspace.
SpectraFitInfoTableWorkspace Output TableWorkspace   Name of the output table workspace containing spectra peak fit information.
PeaksOffsetTableWorkspace Output TableWorkspace   Name of an output table workspace containing peaks’ offset data.
FittedResolutionWorkspace Output MatrixWorkspace ResolutionWS Name of the resolution workspace containing delta(d)/d for each unmasked spectrum.
MinimumResolutionFactor Input number 0.1 Factor of the minimum allowed Delta(d)/d of any peak to its suggested Delta(d)/d.
MaximumResolutionFactor Input number 10 Factor of the maximum allowed Delta(d)/d of any peak to its suggested Delta(d)/d.


This algorithm requires a workspace that is in d-spacingand has been rebinned to a common set of d-spacing bin boundaries. In this first step you select one spectrum to be the reference spectrum and all of the other spectrum are cross correlated against it. Each output spectrum then contains a peak whose location defines the offset from the reference spectrum.

The algorithm iterates over each spectrum in the workspace and fits a function (default is a Gaussian) to the reference peak. The fit is used to calculate the centre of the fitted peak, and the offset is then calculated as:

This is then written into a .cal file for every detector that contributes to that spectrum. All of the entries in the cal file are initially set to both be included, but also to all group into a single group on DiffractionFocussing v2. The CreateCalFileByNames v1 algorithm can be used to alter the grouping in the cal file.

Fit for peak offset

The algorithm to calculate offset of peaks’ positions is to minimize a cost function as

\sum_{p} |X_{0, p} - (1+offset)\cdot X_{0, p}|/\chi^2_{p}

, which p is the index of a peak whose position is within MinD and MaxD.

Criteria on peaks

The (fitted) peak must meet a series of criteria to be used to fit spectrum’s offset.

A peak will not be used if

  • its centre is out of pre-defined d-range, i.e., MinD and MaxD;
  • its centre is out of fitting window if it is defined;
  • its \chi^2 of peak fitting is larger than pre-defined maximum value;
  • its height is lower than pre-defined lowest peak height;
  • its observed maximum value corrected by background is smaller than user specified value;
  • its signal/noise ratio is less than 5 H\cdot FWHM\_To\_SIGMA/width < 5;
  • its height is not outside of error bars of background H < \sqrt{H + B}/2;
  • its z-value on \frac{\delta d}{d} is larger than 2.0;
  • its offset from theoretical position exceeds the limitation specified by user;
  • its resolution (\Delta(d)/d) is out of user-specified range.

Generate fit window

There are two approach to generate fit window. One is via property ‘FitWindowMaxWidth’; and the other is ‘FitwindowTableWorkspace’.

If neither of these 2 properties are correctly specified, then then there won’t be any window defined.

Uniform fit window

By specifying a postive float, maxWidth, for ‘FitWindowMaxWidth’, it is the definition of fit window for peaks indexed from 0 to N-1:

  • Peak 0: window = \min((X0_0-dmin), maxWidth), \min((X0_1-X0_0)/2,maxWidth)
  • Peak i (0 < i < N-1): window = \min((X0_i-X0_{i-1})/2, maxWidth), \min((X0_1-X0_0)/2, maxWidth)
  • Peak N-1: window = \min((X0_i-X0_{i-1})/2, maxWidth), \min((dmax-X0_i), maxWidth)

where X0_i is the centre of i-th peak.

Fit window for individual peak

FitwindowTableWorkspace contains the fit window for each individual peak in the workspace to find. It contains 1+2\times N columns, where N is the number of peaks positions specified in ‘DReference’.

  • Column 0: spectrum number spNum. If spNum < 0, then it is a ‘universal’ spectrum;
  • Column 2i+1: left boundary of peak i defined in ‘DReference’ of spectrum iws;
  • Column 2i+2: right boundary of peak i defined in ‘DReference’ of spectrum iws;
Default fit windows

In the fit window table workspace, if there is a row, whose ‘spectrum number’ is a negative number, then the fit windows defined in this row is treated as the default fit windows. It means that for any spectrum that has no fit windows defined in the tableworkspace, the default fit windows will be applied to it.

Quality of Fitting

GetDetOffsetsMultiPeaks have 2 levels of fitting. First it will call FindPeaks to fit Bragg peaks within d-range. Then it will fit offsets from the peak positions obtained in the previous step. Therefore, the performance of FindPeaks is critical to this algorithm. It is necessary to output values reflecting the goodness of fitting of this algorithm to users.

Number of spectra that are NOT masked

A spectrum will be masked if it is a dead pixel, has an empty detector or has no peak that can be fit with given peak positions. The performance of FindPeaks affects the third criteria. A better algorithm to find and fit peaks may save some spectrum with relatively much fewer events received, i.e., poorer signal.

\chi^2 of the offset fitting function

The goodness of fit, \chi^2_{spNum}, of the offset fitting function

\sum_{p} |X_{0, p} - (1+offset)X_{0, p}|\cdot H^2_{p}

is an important measure of fitting quality on each spectrum (indexed as spNum).

Deviation of highest peaks

We observed that in some situation, the calibrated peaks’ positions of some spectra are far off to the targeted peak positions, while goodness of fit such as \chi^2 are still good. It is usally caused by the bad fit of one or two peaks in that spectrum, which feeds some erroreous peak positions to peak offset fitting function.

This type of bad fitting is very easily identified by visualization, because the shift of peaks from the correct positions is significant in fill plot.

Therefore, deviation of highest peak if spectrum i, D_{i} is defined as:

D_{i} = |X^{(o)}\cdots(1+offset) - X^{(c)}|

where X^{(o)} is the fitted centre of the highest peak of spectrum i, and X^{(c)} is the theoretical centre of this peak.

Collective quantities to illustrate goodness of fitting (still in developement)

Be noticed that the idea of this section is still under development and has not been implemented yet.

On the other hand, since GetDetOffsetsMultiPeaks always operates on an EventWorkspace with thousands or several ten thousands of spectra, it is very hard to tell the quality of fitting by looking at \chi^2_{spNum} of all spectra. Hence, Here are two other parameters are defined for comparison of results.

g_1 = \frac{\sum_{s}D_{s}^2}{N_{nm}}

, where s is the index of any unmasked spectrum and N_{mn} is the number of unmasked spectra;

g_2 = \frac{\sum_{s}D_{s}^2\cdot H_{s}^2}{N_{nm}},

where H_{s} is the height of highest peak of spectrum s.

Standard error on offset

The offset in unit of d-spacing differs is proportional to peak’s position by definition:

X_0^{(f)} = X_0^{(o)} * (1+offset)

where X_0^{(f)} is the focussed peak position, and X_0^{(o)} is the observed peak position by fitting.

As different spectrum covers different d-space range, the highest peak differs. Therefore, the error of offset should be normalized by the peak’s position.

E = (X_0^{(f)} - X_0^{(o)}*(1+offset))/X_0^{(f)} = 1 - \frac{X_0^{(o)}}{X_0^{(f)}}\cdot(1+offset)

And it is unitless.

By this mean, the error of all peaks should be close if they are fitted correctly.

Spectra to be masked

A MaskWorskpace is output from the algorithm. Along with it, a TableWorkspace is output to describe the status of offset calculation.

Here are the cases that a spectra (i.e., a detector) will be masked in the output MaskWorkspace.

  • An empty spectrum (i.e., the corresponding EventList is empty). It is noted as “empty det”;
  • A dead detector, i.e., the corresponding spectrum has counts less than 10^{-3} in defined d-range. It isnoted as “dead det”;
  • A spectrum that does not have peak within specified d-range. It is noted as “no peaks”. Here is the criteria for this case.
  • Algorithm FindPeaks fails to find any peak;
  • No peak found has height larger than specified ‘MinimumPeakHeight’;
  • No peak found has observed height larger than specified ‘MinimumPeakHeightObs’;
  • No peak found has resolution within specified range;
  • No peak found whose calculated offset is smaller than the user-defined maximum offset.


import os

# Create a workspace with two Gaussian peaks in each spectrum
function_str = 'name=Gaussian,Height=3,PeakCentre=5,Sigma=0.3;name=Gaussian,Height=2.1,PeakCentre=15,Sigma=0.3'
ws = CreateSampleWorkspace(Function='User Defined',UserDefinedFunction=function_str,XMin=0,XMax=20,BinWidth=0.1)
# Make sure the X axis is in d-spacing.
ws.getAxis(0).setUnit( 'dSpacing' )

# Generate a file path to save the .cal file at.
calFilePath = os.path.expanduser( '~/' )

# Run the algorithm
msk = GetDetOffsetsMultiPeaks(ws,DReference=[5,15], GroupingFileName=calFilePath)

# Read the saved .cal file back in
f = open( calFilePath, 'r' )
file ='\n')

# Print out first 10 lines of the file
print("{} ...".format(file[0][:55]))
for line in file[1:10]:


# Calibration file for instrument basic_rect written on ...
# Format: number    UDET         offset    select    group
        0            100     -0.0033750       1       1
        1            101     -0.0033750       1       1
        2            102     -0.0033750       1       1
        3            103     -0.0033750       1       1
        4            104     -0.0033750       1       1
        5            105     -0.0033750       1       1
        6            106     -0.0033750       1       1
        7            107     -0.0033750       1       1

Categories: Algorithms | Diffraction\Calibration


C++ source: GetDetOffsetsMultiPeaks.cpp (last modified: 2018-03-07)

C++ header: GetDetOffsetsMultiPeaks.h (last modified: 2018-03-07)