IndirectSampleChanger v1


IndirectSampleChanger dialog.

Table of Contents


Create elastic window scans for sample changer


Name Direction Type Default Description
Instrument Input string IRIS Instrument name. Allowed values: [‘IRIS’, ‘OSIRIS’]
Analyser Input string Mandatory Analyser bank used during run. Allowed values: [‘graphite’, ‘mica’, ‘fmica’]
Reflection Input string Mandatory Reflection number for instrument setup during run. Allowed values: [‘002’, ‘004’, ‘006’]
FirstRun Input number Mandatory First Sample run-number.
LastRun Input number Mandatory Last Sample run-number.
NumberSamples Input number Mandatory Increment for run-number.
SpectraRange Input int list 0,1 Comma separated range of spectra number to use.
ElasticRange Input dbl list Mandatory Range of background to subtract from raw data in time of flight.
InelasticRange Input dbl list Mandatory Range of background to subtract from raw data in time of flight.
GroupingMethod Input string Individual Method used to group spectra. Allowed values: [‘Individual’, ‘All’, ‘File’]
MsdFit Input boolean False Run msd fit
Save Input boolean False Switch Save result to nxs file Off/On
Plot Input boolean False Plot options


This algorithm takes a range of input runs that have been obtained using the Sample Changer on Indirect Inelastic Instruments at the ISIS facility. The sample changer has 3 positions. Input run numbers are associated with certain general temperature points. The algorithm uses the position of the sample to determine which specific temperature from the sample logs should be used for an ElasticWindowScan <algm-ElasticWindowScan>. From the ElasticWindowScan, the EISF (elastic incoherent scattering factor) is calculated and there is an option to run MSDFit. This is repeated for the number of different materials in the sample changer.

For example, if there are 2 different materials in the sample changer, at 3 different temperatures 10K, 20K and 300K. The algorithm would execute 2 scans, one for each sample: The first scan would be 1st, 3rd and 5th runs combined. The second scan would be 2nd, 4th, and 6th runs combined.

Categories: Algorithms | Workflow\MIDAS | PythonAlgorithms


Python: (last modified: 2018-03-07)