Table of Contents
Name | Direction | Type | Default | Description |
InputWorkspace | Input | Workspace | Mandatory | The workspace to check. |
PeakRange | Input | int list | 150,160 | Pixel range defining the reflectivity peak |
BackgroundRange | Input | int list | 147,163 | Pixel range defining the outer range of the background on each side of the peak |
LowResolutionRange | Input | int list | 94,160 | Pixel range defining the low-resolution axis to integrate over |
SumPeak | Input | boolean | False | If True, the resulting peak will be summed |
OutputWorkspace | Output | Workspace | Mandatory | The workspace to check. |
Used in the Liquids Reflectometer reduction at the SNS, this algorithm compute and subtracts the background from the reflectivity peak.
Categories: Algorithms | Reflectometry\SNS
Python: (last modified: 2018-03-07)