LoadDNSLegacy v1


LoadDNSLegacy dialog.


Load the DNS Legacy data file to the mantid workspace.


Name Direction Type Default Description
Filename Input string Mandatory Name of DNS experimental data file. Allowed extensions: [‘.d_dat’]
CoilCurrentsTable Input string   Name of file containing table of coil currents and polarisations. Allowed extensions: [‘.txt’]
OutputWorkspace Output Workspace Mandatory Name of the workspace to store the experimental data.
Normalization Input string duration Kind of data normalization. Allowed values: [‘duration’, ‘monitor’, ‘no’]



This algorithm is being developed for a specific instrument. It might get changed or even removed without a notification, should instrument scientists decide to do so.

This algorithm loads a DNS legacy data file into a Workspace2D. The loader rotates the detector bank in the position given in the data file.


  • For diffraction mode data (only one time channel) output is the Workspace2D with the X-axis in the wavelength units.
  • For TOF data (more than one time channel) output is the Workspace2D with the X-axis in TOF units. The lower bin boundary for the channel i, t_i is calculated as t_i = t_1 + t_{delay} + i*\Delta t, where \Delta t is the channel width and t_1 is the time-of-flight from the source (chopper) to sample. Given in the data file channel width is scaled by the channel_width_factor which can be set in the parameter file.


The Normalization option offers the following choices:

  • duration: data in the output workspace will be divided by experiment duration. The normalized sample log will be set to duration.
  • monitor: data in the output workspace will be divided by monitor counts. The normalized sample log will be set to monitor.
  • no: no normalization will be performed, data will be loaded as is. The normalized sample log will be set to no.


Since polarisation is not specified in the DNS legacy files, coil currents table is required to lookup for the polarisation and set the polarisation sample log. The default coil currents are given as x_currents, y_currents and z_currents parameters in the parameter file for x, y, and z polarisations, respectively.

Alternatively, the text file with the coil currents table may be provided (optionally). The coil currents table is a text file containing the following table.

polarisation comment C_a C_b C_c C_z
x 7 0 -2 -0.77 2.21
y 7 0 1.6 -2.77 2.21
z 7 0 0.11 -0.50 0
x 7 0 -2.1 -0.97 2.21

First row must contain the listed column headers, other rows contain coil currents for each polarisation. Rows with different currents for one polarisation are alowed. Columns are separated by tab symbols.

This algorithm only supports DNS instrument in its configuration with one detector bank (polarisation analysis).


Example - Load a DNS legacy .d_dat file:

# data file.
datafile = 'dn134011vana.d_dat'

# Load dataset
ws = LoadDNSLegacy(datafile, Normalization='monitor')

print("This workspace has {} dimensions and has {} histograms.".format(ws.getNumDims(), ws.getNumberHistograms()))


This workspace has 2 dimensions and has 24 histograms.

Categories: Algorithms | Workflow\MLZ\DNS | DataHandling\Text


Python: LoadDNSLegacy.py (last modified: 2018-03-07)