LoadDiffCal v1


LoadDiffCal dialog.

Table of Contents


Loads a calibration file for powder diffraction


Name Direction Type Default Description
InputWorkspace Input MatrixWorkspace   Optional: An input workspace with the instrument we want to use.
InstrumentName Input string   Optional: Name of the instrument to base the GroupingWorkspace on which to base the GroupingWorkspace.
InstrumentFilename Input string   Optional: Path to the instrument definition file on which to base the GroupingWorkspace. Allowed extensions: [‘.xml’]
Filename Input string Mandatory Path to the .h5 file. Allowed extensions: [‘.h5’, ‘.hd5’, ‘.hdf’, ‘.cal’]
MakeGroupingWorkspace Input boolean True Set to true to create a GroupingWorkspace with called WorkspaceName_group.
MakeCalWorkspace Input boolean True Set to true to create a CalibrationWorkspace with called WorkspaceName_cal.
MakeMaskWorkspace Input boolean True Set to true to create a MaskWorkspace with called WorkspaceName_mask.
WorkspaceName Input string   The base of the output workspace names. Names will have ‘_group’, ‘_cal’, ‘_mask’ appended to them.
TofMin Input number 0 Minimum for TOF axis. Defaults to 0.
TofMax Input number Optional Maximum for TOF axis. Defaults to Unused.
FixConversionIssues Input boolean True Set DIFA and TZERO to zero if there is an error and the pixel is masked


This algorithm creates up to three workspaces from a hdf5 file:

Categories: Algorithms | DataHandling\Instrument | Diffraction\DataHandling


C++ source: LoadDiffCal.cpp (last modified: 2018-03-07)

C++ header: LoadDiffCal.h (last modified: 2018-03-07)