LoadEmptyVesuvio v1


LoadEmptyVesuvio dialog.


Loads an empty workspace containing the Vesuvio instrument at ISIS.


Name Direction Type Default Description
InstrumentParFile Input string   An optional IP file. If provided the values are used to correct the default instrument values and attach the t0 values to each detector. Allowed values: [‘dat’]
OutputWorkspace Output Workspace Mandatory The name of the output workspace.


Loads an empty workspace containing the VESUVIO instrument using LoadEmptyInstrument and updates the detector positions using a PAR file using the UpdateInstrumentFromFile algorithm.



To run these usage examples please first download the usage data, and add these to your path. In MantidPlot this is done using Manage User Directories.

Example - LoadDefaultDetectorPositions

evs_ws = LoadEmptyVesuvio()

evs = evs_ws.getInstrument()

sample = evs.getSample()
b_det_1 = evs_ws.getDetector(2)

b_det_1_l1 = sample.getPos().distance(b_det_1.getPos())

print("First backscattering detector L1 = {:.5f}m".format(b_det_1_l1))


First backscattering detector L1 = 0.67477m

Example - LoadWithPARFileDetectorPositions

evs_ws = LoadEmptyVesuvio(InstrumentParFile='IP0005.dat')

evs = evs_ws.getInstrument()

sample = evs.getSample()
b_det_1 = evs_ws.getDetector(2)

b_det_1_l1 = sample.getPos().distance(b_det_1.getPos())

print("First backscattering detector L1 = {:.5f}m".format(b_det_1_l1))


First backscattering detector L1 = 0.67080m

Categories: Algorithms | DataHandling\Raw


Python: LoadEmptyVesuvio.py (last modified: 2018-03-07)