MaskDetectorsIf v1


MaskDetectorsIf dialog.

Table of Contents


Adjusts the selected field for a CalFile depending on the values in the input workspace.


Name Direction Type Default Description
InputWorkspace Input MatrixWorkspace Mandatory A 1D Workspace that contains values to select against
Mode Input string SelectIf Mode to select or deselect detectors based on comparison with values. Allowed Values: SelectIf, DeselectIf, . Allowed values: [‘SelectIf’, ‘DeselectIf’]
Operator Input string Equal Unary operator to compare to given values. Allowed Values: Equal, NotEqual, Greater, GreaterEqual, Less, LessEqual, . Allowed values: [‘Equal’, ‘NotEqual’, ‘Greater’, ‘GreaterEqual’, ‘Less’, ‘LessEqual’]
Value Input number 0  
InputCalFile Input string Mandatory The name of the CalFile with grouping data. Allowed Values: .cal . Allowed extensions: [‘.cal’]
OutputCalFile Input string   The name of the CalFile with grouping data. Allowed Values: .cal . Allowed extensions: [‘.cal’]


Iterates over the input workspace evaluating the test for each single value spectrum. If the detectors should be masked it deselects all of the contributing detectors in the output calfile. All other aspects of the InputCalFile are copied over to the OutputCalFile.

Categories: Algorithms | Diffraction\Masking | Transforms\Masking


C++ source: MaskDetectorsIf.cpp (last modified: 2018-03-07)

C++ header: MaskDetectorsIf.h (last modified: 2018-03-07)