Table of Contents
Name | Direction | Type | Default | Description |
InputWorkspace | Input | MatrixWorkspace | Mandatory | A workspace containing one or more rectangular area detectors. Each spectrum needs to correspond to only one pixelID (e.g. no grouping or previous calls to SumNeighbours). |
InPeaksWorkspace | Input | PeaksWorkspace | Mandatory | The name of the workspace that will be created. Can replace the input workspace. |
XMin | Input | number | -2 | Minimum of X (col) Range to mask peak relative to peak’s center |
XMax | Input | number | 2 | Maximum of X (col) Range to mask peak relative to peak’s center |
YMin | Input | number | -2 | Minimum of Y (row) Range to mask peak relative to peak’s center |
YMax | Input | number | 2 | Maximum of Y (row) Range to mask peak relative to peak’s center |
TOFMin | Input | number | Optional | Optional(all TOF if not specified): Minimum TOF relative to peak’s center TOF. |
TOFMax | Input | number | Optional | Optional(all TOF if not specified): Maximum TOF relative to peak’s center TOF. |
Mask pixels in an Workspace close to peak positions from a PeaksWorkspace. Peaks could come from ISAW diamond stripping routine for SNAP data. Only works on Workspaces and for instruments with RectangularDetector’s.
#the files for this example are not available for download
#This is to illustrate usage only
ws = Load("TOPAZ_3007.nxs")
#This will mask out the data in the event workspace relating to the peaks
Categories: Algorithms | Crystal\Peaks
C++ source: MaskPeaksWorkspace.cpp (last modified: 2018-03-07)
C++ header: MaskPeaksWorkspace.h (last modified: 2018-03-07)