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Corrects the time of flight of an indirect geometry instrument by a time offset that is dependent on the energy of the neutron after passing through the moderator.
Name | Direction | Type | Default | Description |
InputWorkspace | Input | MatrixWorkspace | Mandatory | The name of the input workspace, containing events and/or histogram data, in units of time-of-flight |
OutputWorkspace | Output | MatrixWorkspace | Mandatory | The name of the output workspace |
EMode | Input | string | Indirect | The energy mode (default: Indirect). Allowed values: [‘Indirect’, ‘Direct’, ‘Elastic’] |
tolTOF | Input | number | 0.1 | Tolerance in the calculation of the emission time, in microseconds (default:1) |
Niter | Input | m | 1 | Number of iterations (default:1) |
Corrects the time of flight (TOF) by a time offset that is dependent on the energy of the neutron after passing through the moderator. A heuristic formula for the correction is stored in the instrument definition file. Below is shown the entry in the instrument file for the VISION beamline:
<!-- formula for t0 calculation. See for available operators-->
<parameter name="t0_formula" type="string">
<value val="(incidentEnergy < 34.7332) ? 37.011296*incidentEnergy^(-0.052874) : (incidentEnergy < 88.7556) ? 124.267307*incidentEnergy^(-0.394282) : (incidentEnergy < 252.471) ? 963.775145*incidentEnergy^(-0.850919) : (incidentEnergy < 420.145) ? 33.225834*incidentEnergy^(-0.242105) : (incidentEnergy < 100000.0) ? 120.569231*incidentEnergy^(-0.455477) : 0.0" />
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This algorithm will replace with
For a direct geometry instrument, the incident energy is the same for all neutrons. Hence, the moderator emission time is the same for all neutrons. For an indirect geometry instrument, is different for each neutron and is not known. However, the final energy selected by the analyzers is known.
We obtain as an iterative process, taking into account the fact that the correction is much smaller than . Thus , Set and obtain from the previous formula. From we obtain Set and repeat the steps until . With , only one iteration is needed for convergence.
Here’s the result of applying ModeratorTzero to both the event list and the histogrammed data of a run in the VISION beamline. The transformation of either events or histograms shifts the curve to smaller TOF’s. The transformed curves are not supposed to be identical, but similar and differenciated from the original curve.
For indirect instruments featuring an incoming neutron flux having a sufficiently narrow distribution of energies, a linear relationship between and the wavelength of the incoming neutron can be established. This relation allows for coding of an algorithm with faster execution times. For indirect instruments that comply with these conditions, use of ModeratorTzeroLinear v1 is preferred.
Categories: Algorithms | CorrectionFunctions\InstrumentCorrections
C++ source: ModeratorTzero.cpp (last modified: 2018-03-07)
C++ header: ModeratorTzero.h (last modified: 2018-03-07)