Q1DWeighted v1


Q1DWeighted dialog.


Performs azimuthal averaging on a 2D SANS data to produce I(Q).


Name Direction Type Default Description
InputWorkspace Input MatrixWorkspace Mandatory Input workspace containing the SANS 2D data
OutputWorkspace Output MatrixWorkspace Mandatory Workspace that will contain the I(Q) data
OutputBinning Input dbl list Mandatory The new bin boundaries in the form: <math>x_1,Delta x_1,x_2,Delta x_2,dots,x_n</math>
NPixelDivision Input number 1 Number of sub-pixels used for each detector pixel in each direction.The total number of sub-pixels will be NPixelDivision*NPixelDivision.
NumberOfWedges Input number 2 Number of wedges to calculate.
WedgeAngle Input number 30 Opening angle of the wedge, in degrees.
WedgeOffset Input number 0 Wedge offset relative to the horizontal axis, in degrees.
WedgeWorkspace Output WorkspaceGroup   Name for the WorkspaceGroup containing the wedge I(q) distributions.
PixelSizeX Input number 5.15 Pixel size in the X direction (mm).
PixelSizeY Input number 5.15 Pixel size in the Y direction (mm).
ErrorWeighting Input boolean False Choose whether each pixel contribution will be weighted by 1/error^2.


Performs azimuthal averaging for a 2D SANS data set by going through each detector pixel, determining its Q-value, and adding its amplitude I to the appropriate Q bin. For greater precision, each detector pixel can be sub-divided in sub-pixels by setting the NPixelDivision parameters. Each pixel has a weight of 1 by default, but the weight of each pixel can be set to 1/\Delta I^2 by setting the ErrorWeighting parameter to True.

See the Rebin documentation for details about choosing the OutputBinning parameter.

See SANSReduction documentation for calculation details.


This algorithm is not intended to be run individually, rather as a part of the SANSReduction.

Categories: Algorithms | SANS


C++ source: Q1DWeighted.cpp (last modified: 2018-03-07)

C++ header: Q1DWeighted.h (last modified: 2018-03-07)