Table of Contents
Name | Direction | Type | Default | Description |
DataRun | Input | string | Run number of the data set to be reduced | |
SignalPeakPixelRange | Input | int list | Pixel range for the signal peak | |
SubtractSignalBackground | Input | boolean | False | If true, the background will be subtracted from the signal peak |
SignalBackgroundPixelRange | Input | int list | Pixel range for background around the signal peak | |
CropLowResDataAxis | Input | boolean | False | If true, the low-resolution pixel range will be limited to the range given by the LowResDataAxisPixelRange property |
LowResDataAxisPixelRange | Input | int list | Pixel range for the signal peak in the low-res direction | |
PerformNormalization | Input | boolean | True | If true, the normalization will be performed |
NormalizationRun | Input | string | Run number of the normalization data set | |
NormPeakPixelRange | Input | int list | Pixel range for the normalization peak | |
SubtractNormBackground | Input | boolean | False | It true, the background will be subtracted from the normalization peak |
NormBackgroundPixelRange | Input | int list | Pixel range for background around the normalization peak | |
CropLowResNormAxis | Input | boolean | False | If true, the low-resolution pixel range will be limited to be the range given by the LowResNormAxisPixelRange property |
LowResNormAxisPixelRange | Input | int list | Pixel range for the normalization peak in the low-res direction | |
Theta | Input | number | Optional | Scattering angle (takes precedence over meta data) |
TOFMin | Input | number | Optional | Minimum TOF cut |
TOFMax | Input | number | Optional | Maximum TOF cut |
TOFStep | Input | number | 400 | Step size of TOF histogram |
NBins | Input | number | Optional | Number of bins in TOF histogram (takes precedence over TOFStep if given) |
ReflectivityPixel | Input | number | Optional | |
DetectorAngle | Input | number | Optional | |
DetectorAngle0 | Input | number | Optional | |
DirectPixel | Input | number | Optional | |
PolarizedData | Input | boolean | True | If true, the algorithm will look for polarization states in the data set |
AngleOffset | Input | number | Optional | Scattering angle offset in degrees |
Instrument | Input | string | REF_M | Instrument to reduce for. Allowed values: [‘REF_L’, ‘REF_M’] |
OutputWorkspacePrefix | Input | string | reflectivity | Prefix to give the output workspaces |
OutputMessage | Output | string |
Reflectivity reduction workflow. This workflow algorithm computes the specular and off-specular reflectivity for both REFM and REFL instruments.
Categories: Algorithms | Workflow\Reflectometry
C++ source: RefReduction.cpp (last modified: 2018-03-07)
C++ header: RefReduction.h (last modified: 2018-03-07)