RemoveExpDecay v1


RemoveExpDecay dialog.


This algorithm removes the exponential decay from a muon workspace.


Name Direction Type Default Description
InputWorkspace Input MatrixWorkspace Mandatory The name of the input 2D workspace.
OutputWorkspace Output MatrixWorkspace Mandatory The name of the output 2D workspace.
Spectra Input int list   The workspace indices to remove the exponential decay from.


This algorithm removes the exponential time decay from the specified muon spectra, leaving the rest unchanged. By default, all the spectra in a workspace will be corrected.

The formula for removing the exponential decay is given by:

\textrm{NewData} = (\textrm{OldData}\times{e^\frac{t}{\tau}})/N_0 - 1.0

where \tau is the muon lifetime (2.1969811e-6 seconds). N_0 is a fitted normalisation constant.


Example - Removing exponential decay:

y = [100, 150, 50, 10, 5]
x = [1,2,3,4,5,6]
input = CreateWorkspace(x,y)

output = RemoveExpDecay(input)

print("Exp. decay removed: {}".format(output.readY(0)))


Exp. decay removed: [-0.24271431  0.79072482 -0.05900907 -0.70331658 -0.76614798]

Categories: Algorithms | Muon


C++ source: RemoveExpDecay.cpp (last modified: 2018-03-07)

C++ header: RemoveExpDecay.h (last modified: 2018-03-07)