SANSConvertToQ v1


SANSConvertToQ dialog.


Converts a SANS workspace to momentum transfer.


Name Direction Type Default Description
SANSState Input Dictionary   A property manager which fulfills the SANSState contract.
InputWorkspace Input MatrixWorkspace Mandatory The main input workspace.
InputWorkspaceWavelengthAdjustment Input MatrixWorkspace   The workspace which contains only wavelength-specific adjustments, ie which affects all spectra equally.
InputWorkspacePixelAdjustment Input MatrixWorkspace   The workspace which contains only pixel-specific adjustments, ie which affects all bins within a spectrum equally.
InputWorkspaceWavelengthAndPixelAdjustment Input MatrixWorkspace   The workspace which contains wavelength- and pixel-specific adjustments.
OutputParts Input boolean False Set to true to output two additional workspaces which will have the names OutputWorkspace_sumOfCounts OutputWorkspace_sumOfNormFactors. The division of _sumOfCounts and _sumOfNormFactors equals the workspace returned by the property OutputWorkspace (default is false).
OutputWorkspace Output MatrixWorkspace Mandatory The reduced workspace


This algorithm converts a SANS workspace in wavelength to a workspace in momentum transfer. The conversion is either provided by Q1D v2 or by Qxy v1. The settings for the algorithm are provided by the state object. Besides the algorithm which is to be converted three types of adjustment workspaces can be provided:

  • Wavelength adjustment worspace which performs a correction on the bins but is the same for each pixel.
  • Pixel adjustment workspace which performs a correction on each pixel but is the same for each bin.
  • Wavelength and pixel adjustment workspace which performs a correction on the bins and pixels individually.

Note that the OutputParts option allows for extracting the count and normalization workspaces which are being produced by Q1D v2 or by Qxy v1.

Currently the mask mechanism is implemented for SANS2D, LOQ and LARMOR.

Relevant SANSState entries for SANSConvertToQ

The required information for the momentum transfer conversion is retrieved from a state object.

The elements are:

Entry Type Description Mandatory Default
reduction_dimensionality Reduction- Dimensionality enum The dimensionality of the reduction No None
use_gravity Bool If a gravity correction is to be applied No False
gravity_extra_length Float The additional length in m if a gravity correction is to be applied No
radius_cutoff Float A radius cutoff in m No
wavelength_cutoff RangeStepType enum A wavelength cutoff No
q_min Float The minimal momentum transfer (only relevant for 1D reductions) Yes, if 2D setting has not been prov. None
q_max Float The maximal momentum transfer (only relevant for 1D reductions) Yes, if 2D setting has not been prov. None
q_1d_rebin_string String Rebinning parameters for momentum transfer Yes, if 2D setting has not been prov. None
q_xy_max Float Maximal momentum transfer (only relevant for 2D reduction) Yes, if 1D setting has not been prov. None
q_xy_max Float Maximal momentum transfer (only relevant for 2D reduction) Yes, if 1D setting has not been prov. None
q_xy_step Float Momentum transfer step (only relevant for 2D reduction) Yes, if 1D setting has not been prov. None
q_xy_step_type RangeStepType enum Momentum transfer step type (only relevant for 2D reduction) Yes, if 1D setting has not been prov. None
use_q_resolution Bool If momentum transfer resolution calculation is to be used No None
q_resolution_collimation_length Float The collimation length in m No None
q_resolution_delta_r Float The virtual ring width on the detector No None
moderator_file String Moderator file with time spread information No None
q_resolution_a1 Float Source aperture radius information information If use_q_resolution is set and rect. app. is not set None
q_resolution_a2 Float Sample aperture radius information information If use_q_resolution is set and rect. app. is not set None
q_resolution_h1 Float Source aperture height (rectangular) If use_q_resolution is set and circ. app. is not set None
q_resolution_h2 Float Sample aperture height (rectangular) If use_q_resolution is set and circ. app. is not set None
q_resolution_w1 Float Source aperture width (rectangular) If use_q_resolution is set and circ. app. is not set None
q_resolution_w2 Float Sample aperture width (rectangular) If use_q_resolution is set and circ. app. is not set None

Note that the momentum transfer resolution calculation is only applicable for 1D reductions.

Note that these settings should be only populated via the GUI or the Python Interface of ISIS SANS.

Categories: Algorithms | SANS\ConvertToQ


Python: (last modified: 2018-03-07)