SANSCrop v1


SANSCrop dialog.


Crops a SANS workspaces.


Name Direction Type Default Description
InputWorkspace Input MatrixWorkspace Mandatory The input workspace
Component Input string LAB The component of the instrument to which we want to crop. Allowed values: [‘LAB’, ‘HAB’]
OutputWorkspace Output MatrixWorkspace Mandatory The cropped output workspace


This algorithm allows to crop a particular detector bank from a workspace. The supported configurations are LAB and HAB. Currently this crop mechanism is implemented for SANS2D, LOQ and LARMOR.

Component setting: LAB and HAB

The mapping of this setting is:

Instrument LAB HAB
SANS2D “rear-detector” front-detector”
LOQ “main-detector-bank” “HAB”
LARMOR “DetectorBench” “DetectorBench”

Categories: Algorithms | SANS\Crop


Python: (last modified: 2018-03-07)