SNAPReduce v1


SNAPReduce dialog.


Name Direction Type Default Description
RunNumbers Input int list 0 Run numbers to process, comma separated
LiveData Input boolean False Read live data - requires a saved run in the current IPTS with the same Instrument configuration as the live run
Masking Input string None Mask to be applied to the data. Allowed values: [‘None’, ‘Horizontal’, ‘Vertical’, ‘Masking Workspace’, ‘Custom - xml masking file’]
MaskingWorkspace Input Workspace   The workspace containing the mask.
MaskingFilename Input string   The file containing the xml mask.
Calibration Input string Convert Units The type of conversion to d_spacing to be used. Allowed values: [‘Convert Units’, ‘Calibration File’, ‘DetCal File’]
CalibrationFilename Input string   The calibration file to convert to d_spacing.
DetCalFilename Input list of str lists   ISAW DetCal file. Allowed extensions: [‘.detcal’]
Binning Input dbl list 0.5,-0.004,7 Min, Step, and Max of d-space bins. Logarithmic binning is used if Step is negative.
Normalization Input string None If needed what type of input to use as normalization, Extracted from Data uses a background determination that is peak independent.This implemantation can be tested in algorithm SNAP Peak Clipping Background. Allowed values: [‘None’, ‘From Workspace’, ‘From Processed Nexus’, ‘Extracted from Data’]
NormalizationFilename Input string   The file containing the processed nexus for normalization.
NormalizationWorkspace Input Workspace   The workspace containing the normalization data.
PeakClippingWindowSize Input number 10 Read live data - requires a saved run in the current IPTS with the same Instrumnet configuration
SmoothingRange Input number 10 Read live data - requires a saved run in the current IPTS with the same Instrumnet configuration
GroupDetectorsBy Input string All Detector groups to use for future focussing: All detectors as one group, Groups (East,West for SNAP), Columns for SNAP, detector banks. Allowed values: [‘All’, ‘Column’, ‘Banks’, ‘Modules’, ‘2_4 Grouping’]
ProcessingMode Input string Production Set-Up Mode is used for establishing correct parameters. Production Mode only Normalized workspace is kept for each run. Allowed values: [‘Set-Up’, ‘Production’]
OptionalPrefix Input string   Optional Prefix to be added to workspaces and output filenames
SaveData Input boolean False Save data in the following formats: Ascii- d-spacing ,Nexus Processed,GSAS and Fullprof
OutputDirectory Input string   Default value is proposal shared directory


The purpose of this algorithm is to do a full reduction of SNAP data. This allows several runs, and with all the typical options that are usually used at the beamline, including calibrate from a cal file and from Convert Units, mask from file workspace and default masks, several groupings and save in GSAS or Fullprof format.


Python: (last modified: 2018-03-07)