SaveIsawDetCal v1


SaveIsawDetCal dialog.

Table of Contents


Saves an instrument with RectangularDetectors to an ISAW .DetCal file.


Name Direction Type Default Description
InputWorkspace Input Workspace Mandatory An input workspace.
Filename Input string Mandatory Path to an ISAW-style .detcal file to save. Allowed extensions: [‘.detcal’]
TimeOffset Input number 0 Offsets to be applied to times
BankNames Input str list   Optional: Only select the specified banks
AppendFile Input boolean False Append to file if true. If false, new file (default).


Saves an instrument with RectangularDetectors to an ISAW .DetCal file.

This algorithm will fail on instruments without RectangularDetectors. Additionally, the banks should be named “bankXX” where XX is the bank index. Other names will fail or create an invalid .DetCal file.

Example file:

# Lengths are in centimeters.
# Base and up give directions of unit vectors for a local
# x,y coordinate system on the face of the detector.
# Sat Apr 05 13:47:05 EDT 2014
6         L1     T0_SHIFT
7  1803.2456        1.672
4 DETNUM  NROWS  NCOLS    WIDTH   HEIGHT   DEPTH   DETD   CenterX   CenterY   CenterZ    BaseX    BaseY    BaseZ      UpX      UpY      UpZ
5     16    256    256  15.8190  15.9600  0.2000  46.23  -22.9051  -24.6398  -31.7036  0.35194  0.60487 -0.71434 -0.80273  0.58755  0.10202
5     17    256    256  15.8190  15.8004  0.2000  45.89  -36.9397  -24.4596  -11.9614 -0.13647  0.59956 -0.78861 -0.57552  0.59996  0.55572
5     18    256    256  15.8190  15.7432  0.2000  45.96  -36.9982  -24.4046   12.1779 -0.57028  0.60175 -0.55918 -0.13908  0.60016  0.78769
5     19    256    256  15.8190  15.8439  0.2000  46.18  -22.9210  -24.4484   31.7708 -0.79476  0.59661 -0.11139  0.35048  0.60100  0.71831
5     23    256    256  15.8190  15.9854  0.2000  43.43   33.9898  -11.9805  -24.2403  0.56320  0.68289  0.46526 -0.25303  0.67853 -0.68962
5     26    256    256  15.8190  15.7207  0.2000  42.59  -33.0834  -11.8416  -24.0655  0.25991  0.67612 -0.68942 -0.55962  0.68731  0.46307
5     27    256    256  15.8190  15.8852  0.2000  42.95  -41.2664  -11.9133    0.1131 -0.19398  0.67968 -0.70739 -0.19593  0.67972  0.70682
5     28    256    256  15.8190  15.8344  0.2000  42.88  -33.2716  -11.8225   24.3349 -0.59100  0.67121 -0.44744  0.26024  0.68366  0.68183
5     29    256    256  15.8190  15.7846  0.2000  43.07  -12.6857  -11.8127   39.4263 -0.72950  0.68246 -0.04558  0.60781  0.67738  0.41438
5     33    256    256  15.8190  15.9602  0.2000  40.38   38.4929    0.0224  -12.1887  0.19968  0.70793  0.67747 -0.23231  0.70589 -0.66915
5     36    256    256  15.8190  15.9188  0.2000  39.80  -23.3198   -0.0197  -32.2481  0.55965  0.70602 -0.43397 -0.55676  0.70819  0.43415
5     37    256    256  15.8190  15.7415  0.2000  39.68  -37.7483   -0.0333  -12.2191  0.21937  0.70678 -0.67256 -0.21816  0.70743  0.67227
5     38    256    256  15.8190  15.7490  0.2000  39.89  -37.9011   -0.0078   12.4269 -0.21892  0.70732 -0.67214  0.22111  0.70689  0.67187
5     39    256    256  15.8190  15.8073  0.2000  39.94  -23.3827    0.0471   32.3765 -0.57072  0.70572 -0.41981  0.56719  0.70849  0.41992
5     46    256    256  15.8190  15.8546  0.2000  42.65  -33.1415   11.8100  -24.1040  0.57102  0.68156 -0.45762 -0.26014  0.67893  0.68657
5     47    256    256  15.8190  15.7332  0.2000  42.72  -41.0597   11.8055    0.0941  0.22689  0.66947 -0.70735  0.19333  0.68087  0.70642
5     48    256    256  15.8190  15.8637  0.2000  42.97  -33.3467   11.8763   24.3520 -0.25790  0.68002 -0.68634  0.57475  0.67899  0.45677
5     49    256    256  15.8190  15.8240  0.2000  42.88  -12.6398   11.8383   39.2278 -0.60890  0.67804 -0.41171  0.73035  0.68174  0.04259
5     58    256    256  15.8190  15.9019  0.2000  46.09  -37.1034   24.4895   12.1518  0.14449  0.59693 -0.78918  0.58774  0.58984  0.55376

Categories: Algorithms | Diffraction\DataHandling | DataHandling\Isaw


C++ source: SaveIsawDetCal.cpp (last modified: 2018-03-07)

C++ header: SaveIsawDetCal.h (last modified: 2018-03-07)