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Save a MDHistoWorkspace in HKL space to a HDF5 format for use with the ZODS analysis software.
Name | Direction | Type | Default | Description |
InputWorkspace | Input | IMDHistoWorkspace | Mandatory | An input MDHistoWorkspace in HKL space. |
Filename | Input | string | Mandatory | The name of the HDF5 file to write, as a full or relative path. Allowed extensions: [‘.h5’] |
Saves a HDF5 file to the ZODS (Zurich Oak Ridge Disorder Simulation program) format. This format consists of a slice of a MDHistoWorkspace and some information about its location.
You must be in HKL space for the output of this algorithm to make sense!
In general it contains collection of grids with intensities and each grid is described by specifying origin, size of grid (in each direction) and grid base vectors (a1,a2,a3) so a point at node (i,j,k) of grid has coordinates r = origin+i*a1+j*a2+k*a3.
Please contact Michal Chodkiewicz (; Vickie Lynch ( for more details.
This algorithm can be run on a pre-existing MDEventWorkspace or a newly created one. The example below will be done with newly created one using CreateMDWorkspace.
SaveZODS HKL MDHisto Example
ws = CreateMDHistoWorkspace(SignalInput='1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8', ErrorInput='1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1',
Dimensionality='3', Extents='-2, 2, -2, 2, -2, 2', Names=['[H,0,0]','[0,K,0]','[0,0,L]'],
NumberOfBins='2,2,2', Units='lattice,lattice,lattice')
import os
savefile = os.path.join(config[""], "ZODS.h5")
SaveZODS(InputWorkspace=ws, FileName=savefile)
print("File created: {}".format(os.path.exists(savefile)))
File created: True
Categories: Algorithms | MDAlgorithms\DataHandling
C++ source: SaveZODS.cpp (last modified: 2018-03-07)
C++ header: SaveZODS.h (last modified: 2018-03-07)