Table of Contents
SetupILLD33Reduction is deprecated and has no replacement.
Name | Direction | Type | Default | Description |
SolidAngleCorrection | Input | boolean | True | If true, the solide angle correction will be applied to the data |
DetectorTubes | Input | boolean | False | If true, the solid angle correction for tube detectors will be applied |
BeamCenterMethod | Input | string | None | Method for determining the data beam center. Allowed values: [‘None’, ‘Value’, ‘DirectBeam’, ‘Scattering’] |
BeamCenterX | Input | number | Optional | Position of the beam center, in pixel |
BeamCenterY | Input | number | Optional | Position of the beam center, in pixel |
BeamCenterFile | Input | string | The name of the input event Nexus file to load. Allowed extensions: [‘_event.nxs’] | |
BeamRadius | Input | number | Optional | Radius of the beam area used the exclude the beam when calculating the center of mass of the scattering pattern [pixels]. Default=3.0 |
Normalisation | Input | string | None | Options for data normalisation. Allowed values: [‘None’, ‘Monitor’, ‘Timer’] |
DarkCurrentFile | Input | string | The name of the input event Nexus file to load as dark current. Allowed extensions: [‘_event.nxs’] | |
SensitivityFile | Input | string | Flood field or sensitivity file. Allowed extensions: [‘_event.nxs’] | |
MinEfficiency | Input | number | Optional | Minimum efficiency for a pixel to be considered (default: no minimum). |
MaxEfficiency | Input | number | Optional | Maximum efficiency for a pixel to be considered (default: no maximum). |
UseDefaultDC | Input | boolean | True | If true, the dark current subtracted from the sample data will also be subtracted from the flood field. |
SensitivityDarkCurrentFile | Input | string | The name of the input file to load as dark current. Allowed extensions: [‘_event.nxs’] | |
SensitivityBeamCenterMethod | Input | string | None | Method for determining the sensitivity data beam center. Allowed values: [‘None’, ‘Value’, ‘DirectBeam’, ‘Scattering’] |
SensitivityBeamCenterX | Input | number | Optional | Sensitivity beam center location in X [pixels] |
SensitivityBeamCenterY | Input | number | Optional | Sensitivity beam center location in Y [pixels] |
SensitivityBeamCenterFile | Input | string | The name of the input data file to load. Allowed extensions: [‘.xml’] | |
SensitivityBeamCenterRadius | Input | number | Optional | Radius of the beam area used the exclude the beam when calculating the center of mass of the scattering pattern [pixels]. Default=3.0 |
OutputSensitivityWorkspace | Input | string | Name to give the sensitivity workspace | |
TransmissionMethod | Input | string | Value | Transmission determination method. Allowed values: [‘Value’, ‘DirectBeam’] |
TransmissionValue | Input | number | Optional | Transmission value. |
TransmissionError | Input | number | Optional | Transmission error. |
TransmissionBeamRadius | Input | number | 3 | Radius of the beam area used to compute the transmission [pixels] |
TransmissionSampleDataFile | Input | string | Sample data file for transmission calculation. Allowed extensions: [‘.xml’] | |
TransmissionEmptyDataFile | Input | string | Empty data file for transmission calculation. Allowed extensions: [‘.xml’] | |
TransmissionBeamCenterMethod | Input | string | None | Method for determining the transmission data beam center. Allowed values: [‘None’, ‘Value’, ‘DirectBeam’, ‘Scattering’] |
TransmissionBeamCenterX | Input | number | Optional | Transmission beam center location in X [pixels] |
TransmissionBeamCenterY | Input | number | Optional | Transmission beam center location in Y [pixels] |
TransmissionBeamCenterFile | Input | string | The name of the input data file to load. Allowed extensions: [‘.xml’] | |
TransmissionDarkCurrentFile | Input | string | The name of the input data file to load as transmission dark current. Allowed extensions: [‘.xml’] | |
TransmissionUseSampleDC | Input | boolean | True | If true, the sample dark current will be used IF a dark current file isnot set. |
ThetaDependentTransmission | Input | boolean | True | If true, a theta-dependent transmission correction will be applied. |
BackgroundFiles | Input | string | Background data files | |
BckTransmissionMethod | Input | string | Value | Transmission determination method. Allowed values: [‘Value’, ‘DirectBeam’] |
BckTransmissionValue | Input | number | Optional | Transmission value. |
BckTransmissionError | Input | number | Optional | Transmission error. |
BckTransmissionBeamRadius | Input | number | 3 | Radius of the beam area used to compute the transmission [pixels] |
BckTransmissionSampleDataFile | Input | string | Sample data file for transmission calculation. Allowed extensions: [‘.xml’] | |
BckTransmissionEmptyDataFile | Input | string | Empty data file for transmission calculation. Allowed extensions: [‘.xml’] | |
BckTransmissionBeamCenterMethod | Input | string | None | Method for determining the transmission data beam center. Allowed values: [‘None’, ‘Value’, ‘DirectBeam’, ‘Scattering’] |
BckTransmissionBeamCenterX | Input | number | Optional | Transmission beam center location in X [pixels] |
BckTransmissionBeamCenterY | Input | number | Optional | Transmission beam center location in Y [pixels] |
BckTransmissionBeamCenterFile | Input | string | The name of the input data file to load. Allowed extensions: [‘.xml’] | |
BckTransmissionDarkCurrentFile | Input | string | The name of the input data file to load as background transmission dark current. Allowed extensions: [‘.xml’] | |
BckThetaDependentTransmission | Input | boolean | True | If true, a theta-dependent transmission correction will be applied. |
SampleThickness | Input | number | Optional | Sample thickness [cm] |
MaskedDetectorList | Input | int list | List of detector IDs to be masked | |
MaskedEdges | Input | int list | Number of pixels to mask on the edges: X-low, X-high, Y-low, Y-high | |
MaskedSide | Input | string | None | Mask one side of the detector. Allowed values: [‘None’, ‘Front’, ‘Back’] |
AbsoluteScaleMethod | Input | string | None | Absolute scale correction method. Allowed values: [‘None’, ‘Value’, ‘ReferenceData’] |
AbsoluteScalingFactor | Input | number | 1 | Absolute scaling factor |
AbsoluteScalingReferenceFilename | Input | string | Allowed extensions: [‘.xml’] | |
AbsoluteScalingBeamDiameter | Input | number | 0 | Beamstop diameter for computing the absolute scale factor [mm]. Read from file if not supplied. |
AbsoluteScalingAttenuatorTrans | Input | number | 1 | Attenuator transmission value for computing the absolute scale factor |
AbsoluteScalingApplySensitivity | Input | boolean | False | Apply sensitivity correction to the reference data when computing the absolute scale factor |
DoAzimuthalAverage | Input | boolean | True | |
IQNumberOfBins | Input | number | 100 | Number of I(q) bins when binning is not specified |
IQLogBinning | Input | boolean | False | I(q) log binning when binning is not specified |
ComputeResolution | Input | boolean | False | If true the Q resolution will be computed |
Do2DReduction | Input | boolean | True | |
IQ2DNumberOfBins | Input | number | 100 | Number of I(qx,qy) bins. |
ProcessInfo | Input | string | Additional process information | |
OutputDirectory | Input | string | Directory to put the output files in | |
OutputMessage | Output | string | ||
ReductionProperties | Input | string | __sans_reduction_properties |
Create a PropertyManager object setting the reduction options for ILL D33 SANS TOF instrument. The property manager object is then added to the PropertyManagerDataService. This was based on the SetupEQSANSReduction.
See SANSReduction for details.
Example - Reduces D33 data from a set of NeXus files:
# List of detector IDs masked
maskedDetectors = [14709,14710,14711,14712,14713,14714,14715,14716,14717,14718,
# Set all the necessary parameters to reduce the data
DarkCurrentFile= "ILLD33_b4c_001420.nxs",
TransmissionSampleDataFile= "ILLD33_sample_transm_001431.nxs",
TransmissionEmptyDataFile= "ILLD33_direct_beam_transm_001427.nxs",
BckTransmissionEmptyDataFile= "ILLD33_direct_beam_transm_001427.nxs",
TransmissionBeamRadius = 3,
BackgroundFiles= "ILLD33_empty_cell_001422.nxs",
# Reduce the sample data
output=SANSReduction(Filename="ILLD33_sample_001425.nxs", ReductionProperties="d33",OutputWorkspace="d33out")
# Rebin
# Do a radial integration
# Get the OutputWorkspace as a python workspace
iq = mtd['IQ_curve']
print("This workspace has {} dimensions and has {} histograms.".format(iq.getNumDims(), iq.getNumberHistograms()))
This workspace has 2 dimensions and has 1 histograms.
Categories: Algorithms | Workflow\SANS | Deprecated
C++ source: SetupILLD33Reduction.cpp (last modified: 2018-03-07)
C++ header: SetupILLD33Reduction.h (last modified: 2018-03-07)