SimulateResolutionConvolvedModel v1


SimulateResolutionConvolvedModel dialog.

Table of Contents


Runs a simulation of a model with a selected resolution function


Name Direction Type Default Description
InputWorkspace Input MDEventWorkspace Mandatory The input MDEvent workspace
OutputWorkspace Output MDEventWorkspace Mandatory The simulated output workspace
ResolutionFunction Input string Mandatory The name of a resolution model. Allowed values: [‘TobyFitResolutionModel’]
ForegroundModel Input string Mandatory The name of a foreground function. Allowed values: [‘MullerAnsatz’, ‘QCoordinate’, ‘Strontium122’]
Parameters Input string Mandatory The parameters/attributes for the function & model. See Fit documentation for format
AppendToExisting Input boolean False If true then the simulated events will be added to an existing workspace. If the workspace does not exist then it is created


Runs a simulation of a model with a selected resolution function.

Categories: Algorithms | Inelastic\Quantification


C++ source: SimulateResolutionConvolvedModel.cpp (last modified: 2018-03-07)

C++ header: SimulateResolutionConvolvedModel.h (last modified: 2018-03-07)