Table of Contents
Name | Direction | Type | Default | Description |
InputWorkspace | Input | MatrixWorkspace | Mandatory | An input workspace to correct. |
TwoTheta | Input | number | Mandatory | Angle used to correct the detector component. |
DetectorCorrectionType | Input | string | VerticalShift | Whether detectors should be shifted vertically or rotated around the sample position. Allowed values: [‘RotateAroundSample’, ‘VerticalShift’] |
DetectorComponentName | Input | string | Mandatory | Name of the detector component to correct, i.e. point-detector |
SampleComponentName | Input | string | some-surface-holder | Name of the sample component, i.e. some-surface-holder |
OutputWorkspace | Output | MatrixWorkspace | Mandatory | An output workspace. |
Moves the specified detector component so that the angle between the beam and the sample-to-detector vector is TwoTheta. The detector component is moved as a block. The rest of the instrument components remain in the original position. The component can be shifted vertically (default), or rotated around the sample position.
For version 1 of the algorithm, please see SpecularReflectionPositionCorrect-v1.
To run these usage examples please first download the usage data, and add these to your path. In MantidPlot this is done using Manage User Directories.
Example - Correct ‘point-detector’
polref = Load(Filename=r'POLREF00004699.raw', PeriodList=1)
polref = polref[0]
instr = polref.getInstrument()
print('Original position: ' + str(instr.getComponentByName('point-detector').getPos()))
polref_vert = SpecularReflectionPositionCorrect(polref, TwoTheta = 2*0.49, DetectorComponentName='point-detector', DetectorCorrectionType='VerticalShift')
instr = polref_vert.getInstrument()
print('Vertical shift: ' + str(instr.getComponentByName('point-detector').getPos()))
polref_rot = SpecularReflectionPositionCorrect(polref, TwoTheta = 2*0.49, DetectorComponentName='point-detector', DetectorCorrectionType='RotateAroundSample')
instr = polref_rot.getInstrument()
print('Rotated: ' + str(instr.getComponentByName('point-detector').getPos()))
Note that in this case the difference between shifting the detectors vertically or rotating them is negligible.
Original position: [25.6,0,0.0444961]
Vertical shift: [25.6,0,0.0444753]
Rotated: [25.6,0,0.0444753]
Example - Correct ‘lineardetector’
polref = Load(Filename=r'POLREF00004699.raw', PeriodList=1)
polref = polref[0]
instr = polref.getInstrument()
print('Original position: ' + str(instr.getComponentByName('lineardetector').getPos()))
polref_vert = SpecularReflectionPositionCorrect(polref, TwoTheta = 2*0.49, DetectorComponentName='lineardetector')
instr = polref_vert.getInstrument()
print('Vertical shift: ' + str(instr.getComponentByName('lineardetector').getPos()))
polref_rot = SpecularReflectionPositionCorrect(polref, TwoTheta = 2*0.49, DetectorComponentName='lineardetector', DetectorCorrectionType='RotateAroundSample')
instr = polref_rot.getInstrument()
print('Rotated: ' + str(instr.getComponentByName('lineardetector').getPos()))
Original position: [26,0,0]
Vertical shift: [26,0,0.0513177]
Rotated: [25.9996,0,0.0513102]
Example - Correct ‘OSMOND’
polref = Load(Filename=r'POLREF00004699.raw', PeriodList=1)
polref = polref[0]
instr = polref.getInstrument()
print('Original position: ' + str(instr.getComponentByName('OSMOND').getPos()))
polref_vert = SpecularReflectionPositionCorrect(polref, TwoTheta = 2*0.49, DetectorComponentName='OSMOND')
instr = polref_vert.getInstrument()
print('Vertical shift: ' + str(instr.getComponentByName('OSMOND').getPos()))
polref_rot = SpecularReflectionPositionCorrect(polref, TwoTheta = 2*0.49, DetectorComponentName='OSMOND', DetectorCorrectionType='RotateAroundSample')
instr = polref_rot.getInstrument()
print('Rotated: ' + str(instr.getComponentByName('OSMOND').getPos()))
Original position: [26,0,0]
Vertical shift: [26,0,0.0513177]
Rotated: [25.9996,0,0.0513102]
Categories: Algorithms | Reflectometry
C++ source: SpecularReflectionPositionCorrect2.cpp (last modified: 2018-03-07)
C++ header: SpecularReflectionPositionCorrect2.h (last modified: 2018-03-07)