This a python binding to the C++ class Mantid::Kernel::Material.
Raises an exception This class cannot be instantiated from Python
Absorption Cross-Section for the given wavelength in barns
Chemical Formula
Coherent Scattering Length for the given wavelength in fm
Imaginary part of Coherent Scattering Length for the given wavelength in fm
Real part of Coherent Scattering Length for the given wavelength in fm
Coherent Scattering Length Squared <b>^2 for the given wavelength in fm^2
Coherent Scattering Cross-Section for the given wavelength in barns
Incoherent Scattering Length for the given wavelength in fm
Imaginary part of Incoherent Scattering Length for the given wavelength in fm
Real part of Incoherent Scattering Length for the given wavelength in fm
Incoherent Scattering Length Squared <b>^2 for the given wavelength in fm^2
Incoherent Scattering Cross-Section for the given wavelength in barns
Name of the material
Number density in atoms per A^-3
Relative Molecular Mass
Total Scattering Length for the given wavelength in fm
Total Scattering Length Squared <b^2> for the given wavelength in fm^2
Total Scattering Cross-Section for the given wavelength in barns