
This a python binding to the C++ class Mantid::Kernel::Material.

class mantid.kernel.Material

Raises an exception This class cannot be instantiated from Python

absorbXSection((Material)self[, (float)lambda=1.7982]) → float :

Absorption Cross-Section for the given wavelength in barns

chemicalFormula((Material)self) → tuple :

Chemical Formula

cohScatterLength((Material)self[, (float)lambda=1.7982]) → float :

Coherent Scattering Length for the given wavelength in fm

cohScatterLengthImg((Material)self[, (float)lambda=1.7982]) → float :

Imaginary part of Coherent Scattering Length for the given wavelength in fm

cohScatterLengthReal((Material)self[, (float)lambda=1.7982]) → float :

Real part of Coherent Scattering Length for the given wavelength in fm

cohScatterLengthSqrd((Material)self[, (float)lambda=1.7982]) → float :

Coherent Scattering Length Squared <b>^2 for the given wavelength in fm^2

cohScatterXSection((Material)self[, (float)lambda=1.7982]) → float :

Coherent Scattering Cross-Section for the given wavelength in barns

incohScatterLength((Material)self[, (float)lambda=1.7982]) → float :

Incoherent Scattering Length for the given wavelength in fm

incohScatterLengthImg((Material)self[, (float)lambda=1.7982]) → float :

Imaginary part of Incoherent Scattering Length for the given wavelength in fm

incohScatterLengthReal((Material)self[, (float)lambda=1.7982]) → float :

Real part of Incoherent Scattering Length for the given wavelength in fm

incohScatterLengthSqrd((Material)self[, (float)lambda=1.7982]) → float :

Incoherent Scattering Length Squared <b>^2 for the given wavelength in fm^2

incohScatterXSection((Material)self[, (float)lambda=1.7982]) → float :

Incoherent Scattering Cross-Section for the given wavelength in barns

name((Material)self) → str :

Name of the material


Number density in atoms per A^-3



relativeMolecularMass((Material)self) → float :

Relative Molecular Mass



totalScatterLength((Material)self[, (float)lambda=1.7982]) → float :

Total Scattering Length for the given wavelength in fm

totalScatterLengthSqrd((Material)self[, (float)lambda=1.7982]) → float :

Total Scattering Length Squared <b^2> for the given wavelength in fm^2

totalScatterXSection((Material)self[, (float)lambda=1.7982]) → float :

Total Scattering Cross-Section for the given wavelength in barns