BASISReduction v1


BASISReduction dialog.


This algorithm is meant to temporarily deal with letting BASIS reduce lots of files via Mantid.


Name Direction Type Default Description
RunNumbers Input string   Sample run numbers
DoIndividual Input boolean False Do each run individually
NoMonitorNorm Input boolean False Stop monitor normalization
NormRunNumbers Input string   Normalization run numbers
NormWavelengthRange Input dbl list 6.24,6.3 Wavelength range for normalization. default:(6.24A, 6.30A)
EnergyBins Input dbl list 0,0,0 Energy transfer binning scheme (in ueV)
MomentumTransferBins Input dbl list 0,0,0 Momentum transfer binning scheme
MaskFile Input string   Directory location for standard masking and grouping files. Allowed extensions: [‘.xml’]
GroupDetectors Input string None Switch for grouping detectors. Allowed values: [‘None’, ‘Low-Resolution’, ‘By-Tube’]


This algorithm is meant to temporarily deal with letting BASIS reduce lots of files via Mantid. The syntax for the run number designation will allow groups of runs to be joined. Examples:

  1. 2144-2147,2149,2156
  2. 2144-2147;2149;2156

Example 1 will be summed into a single run. Example 2 will have three run groups.



This algorithm is not meant to be run from the command line.

Categories: Algorithms | Inelastic | PythonAlgorithms